The CSS exam is a competitive examination conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) of Pakistan. It is designed to select candidates for various posts in the civil services of the country.

The CSS exam in Pakistan covers a wide range of subjects, including compulsory and optional subjects. Compulsory subjects usually include:

  1. English Essay & Composition
  2. English (Precis & Composition)
  3. General Science & Ability
  4. Current Affairs
  5. Pakistan Affairs
  6. Islamic Studies or Comparative Religion (For Non-Muslims)

Candidates also choose optional subjects according to their preferences and career interests.

CSS Exam Preparation Tips

Preparing for the CSS exam requires dedicated study and a good understanding of various subjects. Many candidates opt for coaching, while others prefer self-study using recommended textbooks, past papers, and online resources.

The CSS exam is known for its competitive nature and requires comprehensive preparation. It’s essential to understand the exam pattern, syllabus, and scoring criteria for each subject to perform well.

If you have specific questions or need information on a particular aspect of the CSS exam in Pakistan, feel free to ask!

Also Read: How to study CSS Past papers?

What is CSS Exams?

CSS MPT Exam 2024

CSS MPT (MCQs Preliminary Test) is an MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) test that is conducted by FPSC. The CSS MPT Test 2024 is a screening test that is conducted before the actual written exams of CSS.

CSS MPT 2024

CSS MPT Exam 2024 is a 200 MCQ-based test. This test is conducted to filter the eligible candidates from numerous aspirants of CSS.

The MPT test is a mixture of many subjects, such as Urdu, English, Current Affairs, and General Knowledge. MCQs are given for these different subjects.

How to Study CSS Past Papers-Mystery of Success in CSS

CSS or Central Superior Services is the top rank exam in Pakistan, Those who pass this exams allocate in various administrative departments of Pakistan. Many aspirants of CSS ask this question repeatedly that how to study CSS Past Papers preparation. There are various tricks to pass this exams. Unlike other exams, studying the past papers of all the selected subjects is one of the primary technique to pass this exam.

To study the past papers of many years is necessary. Because in this way, the aspirant can draw a clear map in his mind regarding the schedule and ways in which questions come CSS various subject’s exams. Whereas, on the other side, most of the students do not pay heed towards this important trick of passing and understanding the CSS exams. As a result, such students who do not study past papers cannot get the idea of paper setting and ultimately fail or get low marks.

How to start studying past papers?

After selecting the subjects for CSS exam, the important part of plan is to understand the whole CSS Exam and CSS Subjects. There are mainly five (05) tactics to pass the CSS Exam in Pakistan that is held under FPSC.

1-Selection of Subjects

Selection of subjects for CSS is one of the most important initial phase. It is because one wrong decision can lead towards failure even after getting very good marks. History of CSS exams shows that many students got marks even more than 800. Whereas, on the other side, they failed in one optional subject with the margin of very few marks ranging from 1 to 5 marks. It shows the wrong decision of students at the time of selection of subjects before the start of exam and at the time of registration.

At the time of selection of subjects for CSS exam. One should keep in mind that CSS exam is not a matter of your personal choice and preferences. It is all about getting higher marks than others to pass and get the high ranks in this exams. So, assume if you have a social sciences background, but social sciences subjects are not giving good marks in CSS papers. You should not adopt or select this subject in CSS.

One Booster Subject

The aspirant should adopt such subjects which have a history of good grade. Such as, Punjabi subject in CSS is always a scoring subjects. You should try to adopt this subject. Because with little efforts you can get very good marks in this exam.

CSS Results history shows that students have got almost 90% marks in this subject. It shows the importance of this subject. Moreover, there are little efforts and hard work is needed to pass this subject as compared to other optional subjects of CSS.

Therefore, selection of subjects at the time of registration is one of the significant steps. Aspirants of CSS should go through this step after due research of paper passing history of CSS subjects as well as scoring trend in CSS past papers. Although, the passing of a subject and getting high marks in CSS depend on your hard work, but in CSS scoring trend also matter a lot.

2-Selection of Books for CSS Exam Preparation

It is commonly said that to pass the CSS exams the aspirants have to read lots of books for one subjects. Whereas, the experience of CSS exams shows that you just need of one good book for one subject of CSS if it is covering the most of the syllabus of a subject. You can consult with other books if the syllabus is not covered by one book. But one book and book written by authentic writer is enough for one subject.

Moreover, i am sharing a very important idea here regarding books of CSS that CSS aspirants should consult with internet and search their topics on internet. Because there is much up to date information in internet. Further, YouTube is the best source of online information regarding every subjects in the current time. So, CSS Past Papers Preparation knowledge is important.

If you have a plenty of time for CSS preparation I am not refusing the importance of reading more than one book for preparation of one subjects. No doubt reading more than one books that are authentic for one subjects will give you high return. But it is also a fact that one authentic book for one subject is also enough for passing the CSS exam. You can get extra information from online sources, such as Google and YouTube etc.

3-CSS Past Paper-Deep Down

Studying and going through the past papers is the most important corner of CSS journey. In fact, you cannot good marks and top CSS Exam without going through the past papers of CSS even they are of compulsory subject or optional subjects.

There are evidences that students study past papers of all the selected subjects more than one of the selected optional subjects. Because by studying the past papers you can understand the paper setting pattern of the examiner.

Therefore, studying the past papers is very much necessary for getting good rank in CSS exam.

According to the past experiences, studying and going through the past papers of last 5 years are necessary to understand the questions that are asked in past papers. Whereas, for a solid preparation the aspirants should study 10 to 15 years past papers for perfect preparation of CSS exams. Specially, during the year 2016 the pattern of CSS exams has changed. Therefore, one should carefully analyze the paper pattern and syllabus of CSS papers after the year 2016.

4-Smart Study

Almost every CSS Topper or those who pass CSS exam talk about the Smart study tactic to pass this exam. Whereas, very few of them explore the idea and express in deatil.

Here I am going to express this idea in detail. Smart study in CSS refers to selective study. In fact, small efforts and higher returns. It refers to many steps. First of all the aspirants of CSS should read out the syllabus of selected subjects, then they should select perfect and authentic book for CSS exam preparation. At the end, aspirants should match the syllabus with past papers and understand the portion of syllabus that has asked repeatedly. Or they should highlight the portion of syllabus, the reading or covering of which make you able to attempt all the necessary questions in CSS single subject. So, in this way, one can preparing the part of syllabus of a subject in CSS Exam can get good marks. Hence, CSS Past Papers Preparation understanding is important to know.

5-Paper Presentation

Paper presentation is the last and one of the important step in getting good rank in CSS exams. Many aspirants have very good preparation and they know all about the questions asked in the papers. But they could not express very well which resulted in getting low marks or failure in the subjects.

On the other side, there are such aspirants of CSS who know little about the subject. Whereas, their paper presentation or method of attempting the CSS papers is very good. Resultantly, they get good marks in CSS exams as compared to the aspirants who have good knowledge, but little knowledge of attempting the paper.

With regard, to the paper presentation of CSS exam. One should keep in mind that always remain to the point while attempting the questions. Moreover, in every single paper of CSS, the aspirants should give maximum authentic reference of the subjects, the subject, the paper of which he is attempting. This will give you high marks at the end of the day.

Bottom Line

CSS is all about planning of this exam in various perspective. It is famously said that “Failing to Plan is to Planning to Fail”.

About the Author: This article is contributed by the veteran CSS Aspirant.

CSS Essay Outlines || CSS Essay Material || CSS Past Essay || CSS Top Essays

Thesis Statement:

I partially agree with the statement that we are better than our forefathers. It is true that we are better than our forefathers in many fields. But we are far behind in many other social and moral values. Therefore, it is a need of our to follow those moral, ethical, and social values of our ancestors along with the adoption of modern technologies.


Man in the current world has made lots of advancements in different fields. The information technology sector has brought tremendous developments and has made progress in different social, economic, political, financial, communication, infrastructure, and industrial sectors.

How we are better than our Forefathers:

  1. Man has conquered nature by inventing different machines and technologies.
  2. The modern man has invented remedy for many incurable diseases, the cure of which was considered impossible or very tough in the Age of our ancestors, such as, plague, Cancer, etc
  3. Human beings have discovered new ways and means of communication, such as the invention of airplanes, railways, the internet, telephones, and computers, etc.
  4. The invention of modern agricultural techniques and equipment has also made the life of people full of easiness and calmness.
  5. Moreover, the industrial developments in different respects and production of goods in a clean and neat environment.
  6. Furthermore, the production of goods in large quantity along with better quality has also solved the issue of hunger and scarcity of food.
  7. Modern communications means has solved the issue of hectic traveling issues in past.
  8. Now we have better civic facilities as compared to our forefathers.

In which values/fields we are far Behind to our Ancestors

  1. With respect to moral values, we are far behind our forefathers.
  2. Moreover, the elements of corruption and nepotism were also very low in percentage in the previous Age of our ancestors.
  3. The social bondings were all-time high during the Age of our forefathers.
  4. The level of street crimes and heinous crimes against humanity were also small in numbers during the era of our ancestors.
  5. Our ancestors were not showy people, they led very simple life.
  6. They were caring and sympathetic people.

Bottom Line

Although, we are living a better life as compared to our ancestors with respect to modern technologies. But with regard to social and moral values we are lacking such high values which our ancestors were following. It is the need of the hour to follow such social, moral and ethical values for a peaceful and happy life in future.

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Thesis Statement

Criticism is the footstep of development and progress in a society. Therefore, opposing the views and opinions of others is not a bad thing. But you should accept as well as support the right of others to say something. Because everyone has a right of freedom of speech.


In the modern world everyone knows the rights and liabilities of others. We should respect the rights of others. In this way, the mutual existence is possible in this world.

Manipulation of the Theme

I disapprove of what you say.
Defending the rights of others.
Opposing the opinions of others is the beauty of a society.
Why difference of opinion of opposition is a good thing?

Protecting the Rights of Others

There must be space for opposition into the society.
One should protect the rights of others while caring for the duties of himself.
One should protect the freedom of speech.
Why freedom of Speech should be protected.
Fundamental rights and freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech must be incorporated into constitution.

Why there must be limitation of freedom of speech?

Sometime people use this right of freedom of speech for defaming the others.
People harm the reputation of others by using the right of freedom of speech.
Democracy and right of freedom of speech.
Wrong use of freedom of speech may rise religious extremism.
Intolerance into the society is bad for freedom of speech.


Although freedom of speech is the basic right of everyone. This is one of the fundamental and the most important rights of human being. In human society different people are living in different scenarios. There are many religion, castes and nations that exist in this world. So, they all have different opinions regarding various subjects. In this scenario, there must be protection of rights of freedom of others. But there must be limitation of this freedom of speech. Because some time people use the platform of freedom of speech to harm the reputation of others. So, in this situation the quotation that is ” I Disapprove What You Say but I defend to death Your Right to Say” rightly explain the rights and duties of everyone of us.

CSS Essay Old paper

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Thesis Statement:

Water is one of the fundamental elements for the survival of man on Earth. It has uncountable uses in the daily life of individuals. The domestic, commercial, and industrial usage of water shows the significance of water in various wake of life. Without water, it becomes very difficult for a man to spend a single day. The scarcity of water in Pakistan is a serious issue and it is threatening the survival of living organisms in Pakistan.


Water is as useful for human beings as it is for animals and other living things. It is the duty of all of us to protect these sources of water and reserves of fresh water for future generations. Because the extra and without-purpose spending of water in Pakistan is common which is creating the issue of water scarcity in Pakistan.

What are the reasons for water scarcity in Pakistan?

  1. Without purpose spending water in routine life.
  2. Poor management of water resources and distribution of water.
  3. Distribution of water through unpaved canals and channels.
  4. Non-availability of resources for recycling used water as well as unavailability of water filtration plants.
  5. Extra usage of water in industrial units.
  6. unnecessary usage of water and consumption of water in various sectors of life.

How to overcome the issue of water scarcity in Pakistan?

  1. First of all, there is a need of educating people regarding the importance of water for the survival of humanity on Earth.
  2. There is a need to avoid the unnecessary usage of water in industrial and household usage.
  3. Moreover, the water channels should be paved to save the water from seepage.
  4. Similarly, there should be water filtration and water recycling plants in all major cities of Pakistan to save water.
  5. Additionally, the water reservoir must be established in considerable numbers and after a specific distance to save the water rain for future usage.
  6. The unnecessary usage of water in the agriculture sector must be prohibited.
  7. There is a need for small, medium, and large dams to store freshwater for longer time periods.

Bottom Line

In short, the issue of water scarcity is a big issue in Pakistan. And people of Pakistan have been facing this issue for decades. Therefore, there is a need to resolve this issue with proper management and planning.

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Thesis Statement:

It is universal a universal fact that a beautiful thing is a source of enjoyment and amusement all the time. No one can deny the facts and charms of beautiful things. Moreover, there are various instances of beautiful things, such as natural and man-made beauty. Among all these things natural beauty is more beautiful than man-made beauty.


It is generally said that beauty is in the eyes of onlookers. But it is also important to have some beauty in the thing itself. By and large, beautiful things are a source of enjoyment and calmness for every one of us regardless of gender and age group. In addition, the other interesting thing about the beautiful thing is that these beautiful things spell charms on your personality for a longer run.

Amplification of the statement:

There are two major types of beautiful things

  • Natural beauty
  • Artificial or man-made beauty

The beauty of human face is enticing for many of us. As one of the English poet said that

“I wonder how nature could ever find such a space

For so many contrasts in one human face”

The beauty of flowing rivers, streams, and canals is also a source of amusement for every one of us.

Also the beauty of human child is very common, and human early age is liked by every one of us.

Animals are also so beautiful that some people feel pleasure to live with them.

Moreover, the beauty of start and moon at night time is also provide a source enjoyment.

The beauty of flying birds into the air also provide a source of enjoyment and pleasure.

Similarly, the beauty of green fields and natural scenery are also catch the eyes of beauty lovers.

Additionally, the beauty of flying into the air through airplane and helicopter is also a source of enjoyment.

The beauty of man-made edifices is also a source of calm and recreation of human beings.


It is an accepted fact that beauty is a source of love and pleasure for every one of us. Every one of us likes to see and enjoy the beauty of nature as well as artificial things in different places. The good thing about beautiful things is that when you see or observe a beautiful thing, you enjoy its beauty for all of your rest of life. Every time you think about a beautiful thing, you feel calm and pleased. In short, you can enjoy just thinking about the beautiful things and scenes.

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Thesis Statement:

Although there are lots of disaster management institutes which are established in Pakistan. But their performance is poor. Every year scores of people have been killed due to poor disaster management techniques. There is a need for such disaster management institutes in Pakistan which take some proactive measures for the safety of people’s lives and their properties.


Pakistan is a disaster prone country and for the the purpose of protecting the lives of people from these disaster, there is need of proper planning and execution of that planning.

What are the prominent types of disaster?

Man-made disasters, such as, fire, global warming, climate change and war
Natural disasters, for instance, rains, flood, earth-quack, tornadoes, Tsunami etc.

Among these man-made and natural disasters, man-made disasters can be controlled and natural disasters can be minimized.

What are the impacts of Disasters?

  1. Loss of human lives in the result of disasters, as in 2005 earth quack almost 80000 people killed in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.
  2. Billions of dollars lost to the private properties of the people, such as destroying houses of people, etc.
  3. Similarly, on the other side, disasters also affect the economy of a country, in the shape of loss of infrastructure, bridges, and public properties.
  4. Moreover, disasters are also lethal for social progress and development.

What are the factors behind disasters?

  1. Human negligence is at the top with respect to the occurrence of man-made disasters, such as fires in buildings, fires in forests, etc.
  2. Poor management of the disasters.
  3. Seasonal monsoon rains are also caused a very huge loss to the economy of the people.
  4. Pakistan has located in the disasters prone location of the world.
  5. Poor planning regarding the management of natural and man-made disasters.
  6. Following reactive approaches instead of pro-active approaches, such as taking action after the occurrence of the loss or an incident.
  7. Lack of resources with the Disaster Management Authority.
  8. Lack of technical skills and absence of heavy machinery for the help of people during the time of disaster.

A Way Forward

  1. There is a need for decentralization of the Department of Disaster Management.
  2. Moreover, there is also a need to include some volunteers in this department for quick action at the time of any disaster.
  3. In addition. there is also a need for proving training to the employees and volunteers.
  4. Optimum availability of resources is also necessary.
  5. There must be an early warning system for natural as well as man-made disasters.
  6. The coordination level between the management and its lower-level departments must be high and effective.
  7. There must be biannual or annual training of the employees of Disaster Management Authority employees.


The issue of disasters e.g. natural as well as man-made is open to all of us. But there is a need for proper planning and management of that disaster to protect humanity from the havoc of these disasters. There is a need for a proactive approach to coping with these disasters.

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Thesis Statement:

Terrorism is a big problem not only in Pakistan but in the rest of the world. Millions of people have lost their life due to terrorism. There is a need to cope with this problem with a strong strategy and worldwide cooperation.


What are the Impacts of Terrorism in Pakistan?

  1. Terrorism has disturbed the law and order situation in Pakistan to a large extent.
  2. In Pakistan, almost 80000 people have been killed due to terrorist activities.
  3. Billions of dollars lost to the economy of Pakistan, as almost 125 billion dollars lost to the economy since the start of the war in terror.
  4. People are psychologically feeling fear while going to markets and public places.
  5. Moreover, terrorism activities have also reduced the tourist activities in Pakistan which have further reduced the percentage of foreign exchange.
  6. Foreign investors are also reluctant to invest in Pakistan due to the weak law and order situations.
  7. Similarly, local investors are also not ready to promote their commercial activities due to the fragile law and order situations.
  8. Loss of image at the international level as everyone is raising questions regarding the law and order situation in Pakistan.

What are the causes or primary factors responsible for terrorism in Pakistan?

  1. Pakistani involvement in the war on terror and retaliation from the terrorist groups inside Pakistan.
  2. Purus border with Afghanistan and infiltration of terrorist groups from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
  3. Role of interior terrorist groups.
  4. Role of enemy states in disturbing the law and order situation in Pakistan.
  5. Historical facts, such as Pakistan’s struggle to keep Russia away from entering Pakistan and support of the Afghan Taliban during the Russian War.
  6. The end of meddling into the affairs of other states is a key point to maintain peace all over the world.
  7. Moreover, religious extremism must become to an end for peace and prosperity.

A Way Forward

  1. There is a need for a holistic approach to deal with the menace of terrorism.
  2. The developed states should help the developing states in the matters of maintaining law and order situations.
  3. There is a need of cutting the strategic, financial, and all other types of support to the terrorist groups.
  4. Furthermore, the government should provide modern technologies to law enforcement agencies for dealing with terrorist groups.
  5. Media should play its role in educating people against the teachings of terrorist groups.


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Thesis Statement:

The issue of environmental pollution is very dangerous and lethal for the existence of human beings on Earth. Environmental pollution is of different kinds, such as air pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, and oceanic pollution. These environmental pollutions must be removed and controlled for the peaceful and healthy existence of human beings on earth.

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What are the causes of environmental pollution?

  1. Rapid large-scale industrialization without any plan of recycling industrial waste.
  2. The rapid increase in the population of the world.
  3. Low level of recycling activities in the developing states.
  4. Mixing of sanitary water with drinking water due to poor system of sanitation.
  5. Furthermore, People are not feeling their responsibility for making their environment neat and clean.
  6. Uncontrolled transportation systems as a high level of consumption of fossil fuels.
  7. Similarly, excessive usage of pressure horns by the drivers.
  8. Usage of pesticides and fertilizers in the agriculture sector to protect crops.
  9. Nuclear waste is also a big source of environmental pollution.

What are the Impacts/effects of Environmental Pollution?

  1. Environmental pollution is affecting the protection layer i.e. Ozone in the air, which protects us from the UV rays of the sun.
  2. Moreover, environmental pollution also causes acid rain.
  3. The greenhouse effect is also due to environmental hazards.
  4. The issue of global warming is due to environmental pollution and high level of consumption of Carbon dioxide.
  5. Similarly, Environmental pollution is also dangerous for different ecosystems, such as the water ecosystem, arid-eco-system, and forest ecosystems.
  6. Extinction of lots of precious species from the polar region as well as from intercontinental regions.

A Way Forward:

  1. There is a need to use green and clean energy to control the impacts of environmental pollution.
  2. We should focus on the usage of public transport repeatedly as compared to private conveyance.
  3. The recycling plant should be promoted for different purposes, this effort can reduce the percentage of environmental pollution from the earth.
  4. Moreover, the solid waste management system should be according to the dynamic needs of the time.
  5. Use of clean sources for the generation of power, such as usage of solar energy, wind energy, hydel, etc.

Global Efforts to Control the Affects of Environmental Pollution

  1. Earth Summit of 1992
  2. Metrological Research Studies on Pollution 1995
  3. Kyoto Summit 1997
  4. Johannesburg Summit 2002
  5. Paris Agreement 2016


Environmental pollution is a big current issue. It is disturbing the life of individuals in different ways. Creating lots of diseases that pertain to the mind and body. The dust in the air, garbage on land, and noise pollution are prominent instances of environmental pollution.

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