Must Read: Lord Mayo Viceroy of India

رچرڈ ساؤتھ ویل بورکے ، (21 فروری 1822 – 8 فروری 1872) ، 1842 اور 1867 کے درمیان ، جسے ہندوستان میں لارڈ میو کہا جاتا ہے ، ایک سیاستدان ، ہندوستان کا وائسرائے اور ڈبلن ، آئرلینڈ سے برٹش کنزرویٹو پارٹی کا ممتاز رکن تھا۔
لارڈ میو 1869 میں وہ ہندوستان کا چوتھا وائسرائے بن گیا جہاں اسے مقامی طور پر اکثر “لارڈ میو” کہا جاتا تھا۔ اس نے ہندوستان کی سرحدوں کو مستحکم کیا اور ملکی مالیات کی تنظیم نو کی۔ انہوں نے آبپاشی ، ریلوے ، جنگلات اور دیگر مفید عوامی کاموں کو فروغ دینے کے لیے بھی بہت کچھ کیا۔ مقامی مسائل کے حل کے لیے اس نے لوکل بورڈ قائم کیے۔ ان کے دور میں پہلی مردم شماری 1872 میں ہوئی۔ انہوں نے نوجوان ہندوستانی سرداروں کی تعلیم کے لیے اجمیر میں میو کالج کی بنیاد رکھی ، جس میں 70،000 پونڈ خود سربراہان نے وصول کیے۔
1872 میں جزائر انڈمان کے پورٹ بلیئر میں معائنہ کے مقصد کے لیے قیدیوں کی بستی کا دورہ کرتے ہوئے ، انہیں شیر علی آفریدی نے قتل کر دیا ، ایک افغان مجرم جس نے چاقو استعمال کیا۔ میو کی لاش کو آئرلینڈ لایا گیا اور پالمرسٹاؤن ہاؤس میں اس کے گھر کے قریب ، جان اسٹاؤن ، کاؤنٹی کِلڈارے میں قرون وسطی کے تباہ شدہ چرچ میں دفن کیا گیا۔ آفریدی کو 11 مارچ 1872 کو پھانسی دی گئی۔

میو ہسپتال لاہور ، پنجاب ، پاکستان کے قدیم اور بڑے ہسپتالوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ اس اسپتال کا نام برطانوی ہندوستان کے اس وقت کے وائسرائے کے نام پر رکھا گیا ہے ، “رچرڈ بورکے ، میو کا 6 واں ارل” جسے مقامی طور پر لارڈ میو بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

شیر علی آفریدی ، جسے شیر علی بھی کہا جاتا ہے ، 8 فروری 1872 کو ہندوستان کے وائسرائے لارڈ میو کو قتل کرنے کے لیے جانا جاتا ہے۔
شیر علی نے 1860 کی دہائی میں پنجاب ماونٹڈ پولیس میں برطانوی انتظامیہ کے لیے کام کیا۔ وہ خیبر ایجنسی میں وادی تیراہ سے آیا اور پشاور کے کمشنر کے لیے کام کیا۔ اس نے ایک گھڑ سوار رجمنٹ میں امبالہ میں انگریزوں کی خدمت کی۔ اس نے 1857 کی ہندوستانی بغاوت کے دوران روہیل کھنڈ اور اودھ میں ایوان صدر کی فوجوں میں (یعنی ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کی خدمت کرتے ہوئے) خدمات انجام دیں۔ اس نے میجر ہیو جیمز کے تحت پشاور میں گھڑ سوار سپاہی کے طور پر اور رینل ٹیلر کے لیے بطور سوار آرڈرلی کام کیا۔ شیر علی کو گھوڑے ، پستول اور سرٹیفکیٹ سے نوازا۔ اپنے اچھے کردار کی وجہ سے شیر علی یورپیوں میں مقبول تھا اور ٹیلر کے بچوں کی دیکھ بھال کر رہا تھا۔ خاندانی جھگڑے میں ، اس نے اپنے ایک رشتہ دار کو ہائیڈر نامی پشاور میں دن کی روشنی میں قتل کیا اور اگرچہ اس نے بے گناہی کی درخواست کی ، اسے 2 اپریل 1867 کو سزائے موت سنائی گئی۔ قید کی سزا بھگتنے کے بعد اسے کالا پانی یا انڈمان و نیکوبار جزائر بھیج دیا گیا۔ اسے پورٹ بلیئر میں حجام کے طور پر کام کرنے کی اجازت دی گئی تھی کیونکہ اسے اس بات کا اعتراف تھا کہ وہ اپنی آمد کے بعد سے اچھا برتاؤ کر رہا ہے۔
برطانوی ولی عہد کے مقرر کردہ ہندوستان کے اعلیٰ عہدیدار وائسرائے کے قتل نے پورے برطانیہ اور برٹش انڈیا میں صدمے کی لہر دوڑا دی۔ شیر علی آفریدی اپنی سزا کا بدلہ لینے کے لیے دو سفید فام لوگوں ، سپرنٹنڈنٹ اور وائسرائے کو قتل کرنا چاہتا تھا ، جس کے بارے میں وہ سمجھتا تھا کہ وہ اس سے زیادہ سخت تھا جس کے وہ حقدار تھے۔ اس نے پورے دن کا انتظار کیا اور صرف شام کو ، وائسرائے کو مارنے کا موقع ملا۔ اس نے کہا کہ اس نے خدا کی ہدایات پر قتل کیا اور اس کا اس کا ساتھی صرف خدا تھا۔ اس نے آسانی سے تصویروں کے لیے پوز دیا۔ اسی عرصے کے دوران کچھ جہادی سے متاثر قیدیوں کو انڈمان میں قید کیا گیا لیکن انگریزوں کو وائسرائے کے قتل اور ان قیدیوں کی موجودگی سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ملا۔ شیر علی آفریدی کو سزائے موت دی گئی اور 11 مارچ 1872 کو وائپر آئی لینڈ جیل کے پھانسی پر لٹکا دیا گیا۔

Also Read: East India Company

It is mostly asked who was the first chief justice of Pakistan. Here you will learn all about the Chief Justices of Pakistan since its independence of Pakistan.

The current Chief Justice of Pakistan is Mr Justcie Umer Atta Bandial. He has been serving as the 28th Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Chief Justices of Pakistan

  1. Sir Abdul Rashid – 1949-1954

Sir Abdul Rasheed was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan. He was appointed as the first chief justice of Pakistan after independence. He served as the first justice of Pakistan from 1949 to 1954. So, Sir Abdul Rasheed had served for at least 5 years in the judiciary of Pakistan.

  1. Mian Abdul Rashid – 1954-1955
  2. Muhammad Munir – 1955-1960
  3. Alvin Robert Cornelius – 1960-1968
  4. Muhammad Shahabuddin – 1968-1975
  5. Yaqub Ali Khan – 1975-1977
  6. Sheikh Anwarul Haq – 1977-1981
  7. Muhammad Haleem – 1981-1989
  8. Muhammad Afzal Zullah – 1989-1993
  9. Sajjad Ali Shah – 1994-1997
  10. Ajmal Mian – 1997-1999
  11. Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui – 1999-2000
  12. Irshad Hasan Khan – 2000-2002
  13. Sheikh Riaz Ahmad – 2002-2003
  14. Nazim Hussain Siddiqui – 2003-2005
  15. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry – 2005-2013
  16. Tassaduq Hussain Jillani – 2013-2014
  17. Nasir-ul-Mulk – 2014-2015
  18. Jawwad S. Khawaja – 2015
  19. Anwar Zaheer Jamali – 2015-2016
  20. Mian Saqib Nisar – 2016-2019
  21. Asif Saeed Khan Khosa – 2019-2020
  22. Gulzar Ahmed – 2020-2021
  23. Umar Ata Bandial (Acting) – 2021
  24. Justice (R) Muhammad Noor Meskanzai (Acting) – 2021
  25. Justice (R) Umar Ata Bandial – 2021-Present

These individuals have played a crucial role in shaping Pakistan’s judicial system and upholding the rule of law in the country.

The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) is the head of the judicial system in Pakistan and plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all. This article will delve into the history of the position, the appointment process, and the responsibilities of the Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Brief Introduction of Chief Justices of Pakistan

Here is the list of all the chief justices of Pakistan who served since 1947:

  1. Sir Abdul Rashid (1949-1954) – It was the 1st appointment in Pakistan. He was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan, appointed after independence in 1947. Moreover, before being appointed as Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr Abdul Rasheed previously served as the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court.
  2. Mian Abdul Rashid (1954-1955) – He succeeded Sir Abdul Rashid as Chief Justice of Pakistan. He had previously served as a judge of the Federal Court of Pakistan.
  3. Muhammad Munir (1955-1960) – Munir was a prominent jurist who served as Chief Justice of Pakistan during the country’s early years. He is known for his contributions to constitutional law and his role in drafting Pakistan’s first constitution.
  4. Alvin Robert Cornelius (1960-1968) – Cornelius was the first non-Muslim Chief Justice of Pakistan. He was known for his strict interpretation of the law and his controversial decisions.
  5. Muhammad Shahabuddin (1968-1975) – Shahabuddin was a respected jurist who served as Chief Justice during a turbulent period in Pakistan’s history. He played a key role in resolving several constitutional crises during his tenure.
  6. Yaqub Ali Khan (1975-1977) – Khan served as Chief Justice during the rule of General Zia-ul-Haq. He was known for his conservative views and his support for the military regime.
  7. Sheikh Anwarul Haq (1977-1981) – Haq was a prominent jurist who had previously served as the Attorney General of Pakistan. He was known for his integrity and his commitment to the rule of law.
  8. Muhammad Haleem (1981-1989) – Haleem was a respected judge who served as Chief Justice during a period of political turmoil in Pakistan. He was known for his independent and impartial approach to the law.
  9. Muhammad Afzal Zullah (1989-1993) – Zullah was a prominent jurist who had previously served as a judge of the Lahore High Court. He was known for his contributions to environmental law and his commitment to human rights.
  10. Sajjad Ali Shah (1994-1997) – Shah was a highly respected jurist who served as Chief Justice during a period of political instability in Pakistan. He played a key role in resolving several constitutional crises during his tenure.
  11. Ajmal Mian (1997-1999) – Mian was a senior judge who served as Chief Justice for a brief period before retiring due to health reasons.
  12. Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui (1999-2000) – Siddiqui was a highly respected jurist who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He was known for his independent and impartial approach to the law.
  13. Irshad Hasan Khan (2000-2002) – Khan was a senior judge who had previously served as the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court. He was known for his contributions to labour law and his commitment to human rights.
  14. Sheikh Riaz Ahmad (2002-2003) – Ahmad was a highly respected judge who had previously served as the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court. He was known for his independent and impartial approach to the law.
  15. Nazim Hussain Siddiqui (2003-2005) – Siddiqui was a respected jurist who had previously served as a judge of the Sindh High Court. He was known for his contributions to constitutional law and his commitment to the rule of law.
  16. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry (2005-2013) – Chaudhry
  17. Tassaduq Hussain Jillani (2013-2014) – Jillani was a highly respected judge who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He was known for his contributions to human rights and his commitment to the rule of law.
  18. Nasir-ul-Mulk (2014-2015) – Mulk was a senior judge who had previously served as the Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court. He was known for his impartiality and his commitment to judicial reform.
  19. Jawwad S. Khawaja (2015-2015) – Khawaja was a highly respected judge who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He retired from the position of Chief Justice after only two weeks due to health reasons.
  20. Anwar Zaheer Jamali (2015-2016) – Jamali was a respected jurist who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He was known for his commitment to the rule of law and his efforts to reform the judiciary.
  21. Mian Saqib Nisar (2016-2019) – Nisar was a highly respected judge who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He was known for his commitment to judicial reform and his efforts to improve access to justice for ordinary citizens.
  22. Asif Saeed Khan Khosa (2019-2019) – Khosa was a senior judge who had previously served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He retired from the position of Chief Justice after only 11 months.
  23. Gulzar Ahmed (2019-) – Ahmed is the current Chief Justice of Pakistan. He is known for his conservative views and his commitment to the rule of law.

Functions and Powers of Chief Justice in Pakistan

The position of Chief Justice of Pakistan was established in 1947 after the creation of Pakistan. The first Chief Justice was Sir Abdul Rashid, who served from 1949-1954. Since then, there have been a total of 28 Chief Justices in Pakistan.

Appointment Process

The appointment process for the Chief Justice of Pakistan is outlined in the Constitution of Pakistan. The President of Pakistan appoints the Chief Justice in consultation with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly. The appointment is then confirmed by the Parliamentary Committee on the Appointment of Judges.

Responsibilities of the Chief Justice

The Chief Justice of Pakistan has a wide range of responsibilities, including:

1. Upholding the Constitution and the Rule of Law

The Chief Justice is responsible for upholding the Constitution and ensuring that all laws comply with it. They are also responsible for interpreting the Constitution and resolving any conflicts that may arise.

2. Administering Justice

The Chief Justice is responsible for administering justice in Pakistan. They preside over cases in the Supreme Court and have the power to review decisions made by lower courts.

3. Appointment of Judges

The Chief Justice is responsible for appointing judges to the Supreme Court and other courts in Pakistan. They are also responsible for ensuring that the selection process is fair and transparent.

4. Court Management

The Chief Justice is responsible for managing the court system in Pakistan. They are responsible for ensuring that cases are heard in a timely manner and that the court system is functioning efficiently.

5. Public Interest Litigation

The Chief Justice has the power to take up cases of public interest and ensure that justice is served. They can also take action against government officials or agencies that are not acting in the best interest of the public.

Challenges and Controversies

Over the years, the position of Chief Justice of Pakistan has been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some have accused the Chief Justice of overstepping their authority or taking political positions. Others have criticized the appointment process as being opaque or subject to political interference.


The Chief Justice of Pakistan plays a crucial role in ensuring justice and upholding the rule of law in Pakistan. While the position has faced its fair share of challenges and controversies, it remains an important institution in the country’s judicial system.


  1. What is the tenure of the Chief Justice of Pakistan?
  • The Chief Justice of Pakistan serves a term of three years.
  1. Can the Chief Justice be impeached?
  • Yes, the Chief Justice can be impeached for misconduct or violation of the Constitution.
  1. How are judges appointed in Pakistan?
  • Judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of Pakistan in consultation with the Judicial Commission of Pakistan.
  1. What is public interest litigation?
  • Public interest litigation is a legal action taken by an individual or organization to promote the public interest.
  1. How many judges are there in the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
  • Currently, there are 17 judges in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

What is women’s Empowerment?

  • Empowerment is the phenomenon that makes capable one of obtaining power, authority, and impact over others, institutions, or society.
  • It is a procedure that lets one achieve an understanding talent and mindset needed to cope with the changing world and the circumstances in which one lives.

Women empowerment

  • Women empowerment means to increase the educational, social, price range, and political strength of women. It develops self-assurance and caliber in women.
  • Empowering girls to take part totally in economic lifestyle across all sectors is integral to building greater economies, obtaining internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improving the fantastic of existence women, men, households, and communities.

History of women’s fame in the world

The thinking of women’s empowerment was once Delivered at the United Nation’s Third World Conference on Women in Nairobi in 1985, which explains in terms of redistribution of social and economic powers and control of assets in desire of women.

Before Islam, ladies were dealt with inferiorly with the aid of the guys and society, they had no fundamental rights, they were the victims of social ethical or sexual harassment and even honor killing was frequent A woman used to be viewed a man’s possession. At the household level, females had very little to no opinion and the guys were the sole in cost of all the decisions.

Why women empowerment is essential?

Women empowerment is very vital to provide equal rights to women or resources in the course of their life specifically for single moms or orphan women who bear the finances of their domestic should be supported. Women should be revered in society.  Awareness about female empowerment needs to be spread on media so that the injustice done with some oppressed girls both a mother and a daughter or a wife ought to be stopped.

Rising of women empowerment in the world

Women’s empowerment has five components:

  • Their feeling of self-respect.
  • Their proper to have get right to entry possibilities and resources.
  • They’re proper to supply of opinions on social and financial order nationally and internationally.
  • They are proper to manipulate their own lives.

Economic empowerment

  • Economic balance plays a widespread function in the empowerment of women.
  • Working women is extra confident and Steady than non working women.
  • They Without difficulty break down the Limitations with a brief received by economic independence.

Educational empowerment

  • Education plays a quintessential position in the empowerment of women in the world.
  • Women turned into Doctors, engineers, professors, scientists, and politicians and also getting fees in the Army Due to the fact of proper education.
  • Education makes a woman confident.

Political empowerment 

  • Women become Prime ministers and chief ministers and end up politically similar to men.
  • Seats are reserved for Females in exceptional sectors of the public.

Social empowerment

  • Control of Female over fertility decision.
  • Mobility of women inside and outdoors in their residential locality in Contrast to men.

Legal empowerment

  • Enforcement of Regulations related to the protection of human rights.
  • Decrease in violence towards women.
  • No case is associated with the legal right of divorce and widowed women.
  • No cases associated with women’s rights were heard in local court and their results.

In this regard education, training, self-confidence, enlargement of choices, improved get entry to to and control over resources, and actions needed to seriously change the buildings and establishments that toughen gender discrimination and inequality are vital tools for empowering women and girls to claim their rights. In the present day era, girls’ empowerment is particularly supported through society due to consciousness on specific platforms. They are getting jobs and have the right to get an education equal to men, they can take part in elections so a separate property of politics has also been awarded to women. Moreover, they can do their enterprise to survive in society. For example, single moms or orphan girls, that they need.

Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan

  In Pakistan, women’s empowerment is also a famous issue. Especially in rural areas girls are disadvantaged of even fundamental human rights and are victimized by the unusual conduct of men and society. Balochistan, Sindh, and some rural areas of Punjab are the main areas. Out of the current populace of 225.5 million, approximately 51% are men, 48.76% are women, and 0.24 percent are transgender. From a statistical perspective, the difference between the ratio of guys to girls is now not significant; however, when the subjectivities of what it means to be a woman in Pakistan are considered, disparities between the two genders are stark. Recent researches show that place of business gender diversity helps organizations operate better and suggests that self-hobby and common hobby can come together. For a variety of reasons, Pakistan’s market and workplace is no longer woman-friendly.

However, making sure the incorporation of women’s talents, actions, skills, and conceivable requires intentional actions and rational and deliberate insurance policies across all sectors. Political and social support, a high literacy rate, better infrastructure, access to resources, publicity of possibilities, and sincerity of ruling classification should for making sure female empowerment and consequently sustainable monetary improvement in Pakistan. Unfortunately, girls in developing international locations like Pakistan are suppressed and viewed as inferior in many regards. Conventional device hardly permits them to flourish and stand for their rights. Women’s empowerment calls for an inevitable alternative to the traditional system. The need of the hour is to supply girls with harassment-free offices and enterprise surroundings that support and welcome them to improve their well-being.

In developed societies, female are exceedingly literate, hold Govt positions, and are nicely conscious of their rights thus they delight in recognition, excessive social popularity, and a luxurious life. Perhaps, in Pakistan, only a small percentage of girls have get right of entry to all these things. Undoubtedly, in the previous few years Pakistani government has taken rigorous steps to create opportunities for girls’ empowerment. According to state-of-the-art statistics, the modern-day woman populace in Pakistan is 49.2% whereas ladies’ participation in labor pressure is solely 28%. This ratio is extraordinarily low. Women empowerment can play a dazzling role in the monetary improvement of Pakistan and that’s not viable except for female employment.

Today’s girls are educated, assured, and inclined to work. Just moderate motivation, help, and sources can make them do wonders. It’s time to recognize that enhanced girls’ participation in current society is obligatory to make a certain affluent economy. The United States Agency for Worldwide Development (USAID) works with the authorities of Pakistan and improvement partners to tackle gender inequality, which affects ladies of all ethnic corporations and socio-economic status.  

This application work to improve:

  • Women get the right to monetary opportunities.
  • Increase their get right to schooling. 
  • Improve maternal and child health
  • Combat gender primary-based violence.
  • Increase women’s political and civic participation in Pakistan.

Women in struggle for empowerment (WISE)

While providing girls with financial opportunities is perhaps a crucial first step in achieving female empowerment in Pakistan, other approaches are taken differently. A new, vibrant Pakistani company driven by women, Women in Struggle for Empowerment (WISE), was founded in 2011 with the goal of bringing about social change in the way women and girls are viewed in their communities. It has made significant progress toward women’s human rights in Pakistan in a short period of time. WISE, a non-governmental organization registered under the Societies Act 1860, is committed to defending and advancing women’s social, political, and economic rights, with a particular emphasis on gender, labor, governance, and human rights in Pakistan.

FIFA Women’s World Cup

University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus – University of the Punjab has many campuses across Punjab and Gujranwala campus is among the biggest ones. Gujranwala Campus of PU is established near Alipur Chowk, Rawalpindi by-pass, Gujranwala, just adjacent to GT Road.

Further, Gujranwala campus is situated in city of wrestlers i.e. Gujranwala. This campus is established on a large area and now various programs of Bachelors, Masters and PhD have been started in this campus.

Degrees Offer by Gujranwala Campus:

Gujranwala campus is offering many programs at bachelor, Mphill and PhD levels. Among the various programs following are the significant programs:

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Entomology) (Morning / Replica) B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Entomology) (Morning / Replica)
M. Phil M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. Agriculture (Entomology) M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. Agriculture (Entomology)
Ph. D Ph.D. (Agriculture) Ph.D. (Agriculture)

East India Company History 1757-1857 – This review momentarily yet comprehensively examined the time of the East India Organization or East India Company (1757-1857).

Its effect on the exchange of South East Asia, its approaches. Additionally, it also intricates the political impacts of this East India Company on the Sub-continent.

Moreover, it also highlights the Subcontinent and its effect on social order as well as financially.

East India Organization:

East India Organization additionally called English East India Organization. Essentially, when the organization was begun at the hour of the Mercantilist period. This was the main useful and secure way to connect among Traders and the Lords of the States. In 1600 Sovereign Elizabeth signed a sanction to exchange with Indies (The locale including Southeast Asia and Indonesia).

In 1607 East India Organization laid out its first general store in Surat. The primary exchange motivation behind this organization was an exchange of Indian flavors. Be that as it may, it additionally exchanged cotton, silk, tea and moved slaves.

Progressively the English obscured the Portuguese and throughout the long term, they saw a huge of their exchanging tasks in India. Various general stores were laid out along the East and West banks of India, and extensive English People groups were created around the three administration towns of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras.

Moreover, in 1717, the Organization accomplished its up until recently most eminent achievement when it got a fireman or illustrious dictator from the Mughal Ruler excluding the Organization from the installment of custom obligations in Bengal.

Hence, the Organization saw the ascent of its fortunes, and its change from an exchanging dare to a decision undertaking, when one of its tactical authorities, Robert Clive, crushed the powers of Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-daulah, at the Skirmish of Plassey in 1757. A couple of years after the fact the Organization gained the option to gather income and also control on tax department.

Striking conflicts of EIC:

 The Organization saw the ascent of its fortunes, and its change from an exchanging dare to a decision endeavor, when one of its tactical authorities, Robert Clive, crushed the powers of the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-daulah, at the Clash of Plassey in 1757.

After this war, the organization had control practically all over Bengal. However, the principal control was heavily influenced by the Mughal Domain. A couple of years after the fact the Organization gained the option to gather incomes for the benefit of the Mughal Ruler.


Monetary Approaches:

The monetary approaches of the East India Organization were progressive and advantageous only for the organization. The space had an expansive road network which was basic to the monetary framework by carrying out a ton of expenses on Indian individual items.

To make it all the more efficient and useful, the East India Organization kept changing and transforming its conservative plans all through its period, making it increasingly lively and productive.

Significant Approaches and their Effects:

In the past organizations like the Dutch, Portugese, and French confronted misfortunes while dealing with their market in Subcontinent.

Generally, they were sticking to their lofty position. Nonetheless, dissimilar to East India Organization contenders, East India Organization has less difficulty in such a manner. It simply centers around the issues that were noticeable other than vanquishing the place where there is a Subcontinent.

Crushed Spanish Naval force:

 At the beginning of the 17th century. the Indian subcontinent was known as the “East Indies,” and — as home to flavors, textures, and extravagance products valued by rich Europeans was viewed as a place that is known for apparently interminable potential.

Due to their nautical ability, Spain and Portugal held an imposing business model on exchange the Far East. In any case, England needed access, and when it held onto the boats of the crushed Spanish Fleet in 1588, it prepared for the government to turn into a serious maritime power.

Vendors set up:

                         In 1600, a gathering of English finance managers asked Elizabeth I for a regal sanction that would allow them to journey toward the East Indies for the benefit of the crown in return for a syndication on exchange. The traders put forth almost 70,000 pounds of their own cash to fund the endeavor, and the East India Organization was conceived. Processing plant framework established.

                                 The partnership depended on a “processing plant” framework, leaving delegates it called “factors” behind to set up general stores and permitting them to source and haggle for merchandise. Because of a settlement in 1613 with the Mughal ruler Jahangir, it laid out its most memorable processing plant in Surat in what is presently western India.

Throughout the long term, the organization moved its consideration from pepper and different flavors to calico and silk texture and at last tea, and ventured into the Persian Bay, China, and somewhere else in Asia.

Armed force:

In the years that followed, the East India organization effectively added different locales of the subcontinent and manufactured coalitions with leaders of regions they couldn’t overcome. At its level, it had a multitude of 260,000 (two times the size of England’s standing armed force) and was answerable for close to half of England’s exchange.

Vendor legislators:

The subcontinent was presently subject to the authority of the East India Organization’s investors, who chose “merchant statesmen” every year to direct arrangements inside its domain.

At long last finished organization rule:

Yet, monetary hardships and a boundless consciousness of the organization’s maltreatment of force ultimately drove England to look for direct control of the East India Organization. In 1858, after a long wind down, the English government at last finished organization rule in India.

By 1874, the organization was a shell of its previous rack and was disintegrated.

 Unlawfully sent out to China:

By then, at that point, the East India Organization had been associated with all that from getting China snared on opium (the Organization developed opium in India, then unlawfully sent out it to China in return for desired Chinese merchandise) to the worldwide slave exchange (it directed slaving campaigns, shipped slaves and utilized slave work all through the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years). The East India Organization might have since been eclipsed by present-day private enterprise, yet its heritage is as yet searched the world.

Guideline Demonstration of 1773:

The Regulation Act of 1773 denied all authorities of the Organization, from the Lead Representative General and his councilors and Boss Equity and different adjudicators of the High Courts downwards, from accepting gifts, gifts, tips, or rewards. Whenever seen as at real fault for doing so, they could be legitimately sentenced by the High Court or the court of the City chairman. The five wellsprings of corporate way of behaving.

Going to my subsequent subject, I might want to recommend that the Organization was in numerous ways the harbinger of the cutting edge worldwide. Working in the City for north than 10 years to advance dependable speculation, I have recognized the accompanying five wellsprings of the corporate way of behaving.

The main variable is finance, with the pressure among venture and hypothesis. As a business entity, the Organization had a more extensive admittance to capital than the conventional organization, however, as a key stock exchange on the London market it likewise implied that it was dependent upon the recognizable patterns of ‘win and fail’.

The subsequent element is innovation, and for the EIC the distinctive component was its ability in delivery. It was through its capacity to overcome the Portuguese and the Dutch adrift that the Organization acquired its traction. As Kenneth Pomeranz has finished up, “where weapons couldn’t give an ace in the hole, Europeans wound up missing out to Asian vendors”. The third wellspring of the corporate way of behaving is scale. The greater the organization, the greater the effect for good or fiendishness. All along, the Organization’s syndication of exchange was gone against by dealers who needed to break into its worthwhile business sectors and by those, for example, Adam Smith who saw restraining infrastructure as the “foe of good administration”.

Corporate Culture

For my purposes, the fourth determinant is Corporate Culture – the way of behaving of pioneers, and the accentuation of morals. Here, the strain is among respectability and defilement. The Organization’s chiefs needed to join a code and give bonds for a good way of behaving. In 1767 the primary boycott was presented on accepting hush money, a reasonable work to energize moral way of behaving. However, as we will see later, the issue was that a portion of the enticements before the Organization’s representatives in India prompted systematized defilement.

Lastly, the fifth wellspring of the corporate way of behaving is guidelines, with the pressure between open responsibility and agreement. Not at all like firms today, the Organization was given a sanction by the Crown, which it needed to reestablish consistently, making its administrative connections to the English state exceptionally clear. It likewise needed to arrange economic deals with states in Asia. For a significant part of the time, these administrative connections were helpful together. In any case, the Organization was continually pushing at the limits of its guidelines, provoking maltreatment and once in a while war.

Organization shares:

                                   Organization’s portions from 1690 to 1874. It shows a consistent ascent from about £100 an offer to over £400 in 1720, the hour of the South Ocean Air pocket. Yet again the offers arrived at another top in 1769 after the Organization’s acquisitions in India, however at that point drooped, arriving at their absolute bottom in 1783 preceding consummation in 1874, when the Organization’s portions were traded for money or Government securities. It is fascinating to take note that the monetary presence of the Organization expanded 20 years after its institutional presence had reached a conclusion following the Uprising in 1857.

The Bengal Air pocket:

I might now want to zero in on the period somewhere in the range of 1750 and 1790, what I call the ‘Bengal Air pocket’. From its base at Calcutta, Bengal had turned into the focal point of the Organization’s exchanging tasks, sending an immense range of cotton and silk material back to Europe. As the offer cost chart shows, this was the Organization’s own ‘win and fail”.

Skirmish of Plassey:

Here, the clash of Plassey was a key defining moment for the Organization, an unprecedented deal designed by Robert Clive. A considerable lot of you will know all about his sculpture on the means outside what is currently the Unfamiliar and Ward Office in Whitehall, a sculpture which was raised by Ruler Curzon in 1907, to commend the 150th commemoration of the clash of Plassey in 1757.

Dark opening:

 The Organization had more than once broken the arrangements of its exchanging settlement, avoided charge, set up strongholds, and held onto the Nawab adversaries. The Nawab powers vanquished Calcutta in 1756, provoking a breakdown in the Organization’s portions and encouraging the ‘Dark Opening’ occurrence when various Organization detainees choked to death in a confined jail.

Strangely, this was not viewed as a major issue at that point, however, it was subsequently amplified by Victorian students of history into an issue of loathsomeness legitimizing supreme mediation.

Thus to the clash of Plassey, which I ought to jump at the chance to see as the Organization’s best agreement. To win the fight the Organization conveyed its confidential armed force, some of them European, but for the most part Indian, set facing the immeasurably more various powers of the Nawab of Bengal, then, at that point, the most extravagant area in the Moghul Realm. The Organization didn’t win the fight forcibly of arms, but rather by karma and monetary exchanges. Too huge to even consider falling flat.

By 1773, the Organization was balanced near the very edge of mayhem, battling to meet its monetary commitments, including the reimbursement of an enormous credit from the Public authority.

As the size of the Organization’s monetary ineptitude and selfishness became clear, the mindset in London turned pointedly against the Organization. Robert

Clive, who had been the “paradise conceived generally” after the clash of Plassey, presently became “Ruler Vulture”.

In any case, disregarding the kickback, the Organization was ‘too large to even consider coming up short’, its progression of abundance from Asia excessively significant for the English state to risk. The Organization asked for a bailout and got a £1 million credit from the

Government. However, consequently, there were two significant bits of change. As per Adam Smith, one of the main financial specialists of the time, this had just been “a flitting attack of acceptable conduct”. At the point when he came to compose the second release of The Abundance of Countries, he addressed two of those five wellsprings of corporate way of behaving which I distinguished before. To start with, he went after the Organization’s imposing business model as “an extraordinary foe of good administration” since it brought about less business and local area tension in the Organization. Second, Smith investigated the monetary model of the business entity and thought that it is needing, contending that the leaders of the Organization could never show something similar

“restless watchfulness” over investor returns as they would in an organization. That’s what the outcome was “carelessness and disarray should constantly win pretty much in the administration undertakings of such an Organization”. His answer was to make the exchange with India open to all.

East India Company In Bihar

The best opium in the East was filled in Patna, the capital of Bihar, where the best opium in the East was developed. What’s more, it was loaded in boxes with the organization ‘hack’, or exchange mark, on them. The opium was developed under an organization imposing business model, sold at its closeouts in Calcutta for a benefit pace of, maybe, around 100%, and afterward transported out in confidential exchange and snuck into China. Beginning around 1729, China prohibited the import of opium, and the Organization was extremely mindful so as to guarantee that it never went in its own boats. The silver created by the deals of carried opium was then kept in the Organization’s depository in Canton as a trade-off for bills of trade that could be traded out of Calcutta or London. With this bullion, the Organization then, at that point, purchased its tea imports, and by 1826 opium incomes alone were adequate to pay for the whole tea exchange. Besides the fact that the Organization dependent on was opium, however, the English state likewise became reliant on the rising incomes from import obligations. In any event, when the Organization surrendered its exchanging issues in 1834, it actually kept its imposing business model of opium creation, giving the item that fueled the now-changed exchange with China.

The outcome, as we probably are aware, was war. At the point when I began my examination, I had the somewhat gullible view that the Opium Wars were about the moral Regal Naval force coming to smother this obnoxious exchange of opiates, similarly, it acted against the Slave Exchange. Tragically, the truth was somewhat unique.

At the point when the Chinese specialists attempted, fairly behind schedule, to shut down the exchange and held onto the opium as booty, the English powers mediated to advance streamlined commerce in the Main Opium War (1839-1842), winning Hong Kong and the kickoff of a line of port urban communities. After the Subsequent Opium War (1856-1860), opium was legitimized in China. However, toward the finish of that war the actual Organization was no more. Occasions in India had provoked the Indian Rebellion in 1857, or the Primary Conflict of

Autonomy, as Indian patriots call it. Many variables prompted this Extraordinary Insubordination: expanding division of the Organization from the neighborhood populace, the presentation of preachers, the feeling of dread toward change, and the fuse of nearby realms into the English state. The honorability revolted to get back their properties, the spays revolted to keep up with their honors, and a couple revolted for a thought of Indian character.

               That was not exactly the finish of the story. The Organization went out, and was thumped down three years after the fact. It involved a progression of tiny workplaces, keeping up with the profit, which actually must be paid out until April 1874, when £100 worth of offers could be moved into £200 in real money or £200 in Indian government obligation. That obligation went on into the next 100 years and the Organization’s monetary impression was just at long last eradicated at Autonomy in 1947.

The heritage

So what do we have left? In London, not much in actual terms. Lloyd’s is where East India House once stood, yet nothing marks its previous presence. The Cutler’s Nurseries stockrooms have been redeveloped and the East India Arms bar exists on Fenchurch Road. However, the Organization’s corporate inheritance remains profound.

Pakistan Study Center – PU signs three MoUs

Prof- Noumana Kiran Pakistan Study Center
Prof Dr. Noumana Kiran, Director Pakistan Study Center-PU Lahore

Pakistan Study Center – Punjab University Lahore

Pakistan Study Centre – University of the Punjab Lahore has signed three memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University, Area Study Centre Jamshoro University, Sindh and Centre for South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab. The purpose of these MOUs is to promote research activities among the students and faculty members.

A signing ceremony was held in the Committee Room of PSC in which Director Pak Study Center Prof Dr. Naumana Kiran, Incharge, Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University Dr. Erum Muzaffar, Director Area Study Centre Jamshoro University, Sindh Dr Mukaish Kumar and Director PU Centre for South Asian Studies Dr Naheed S. Goraya signed the respective MoUs.

According to the MoUs, the Centers have agreed to explore joint educational research activities, and exchange of faculty, research personnel as well as graduate students for research to promote a better understanding of national and international issues.

Moreover, Centers will also work on the exchange of information in fields of interest to both parties, such as participation in seminars, conferences, table talks, dialogues, and academic meetings. The institutes will collaborate and cooperate in the supervision and co-supervision of the research work conducted as the partial fulfillment of a postgraduate degree, access to academic materials, publications, and library books.

The former President of the United States of America Donald Trump has been indicted in a Capitol Hill case and disqualified by the American Court.

On January 6, 2021, the supporters of Donald Trump rushed to Capitol Hill after the defeat of Donald Trump in the presidential election and after the victory of Joe Biden.

However, in the case of the Capitol Hill attack, the US Federal Investigation Agency has been convicted to more than 1200 people.

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The Government of Punjab has conducted a successful test of artificial rain in the provincial capital Lahore. These arrangements are made to counter the issue of smog in Lahore.

Lahore is among the top polluted cities in the world due to intense pollution particles, and poisonous gases in the air.

Moreover, this project of artificial rain was completed with the help of the UAE government. The scientists from UAE state were present in Lahore for the last 2 weeks and participated in this whole process.

The process of artificial rain is simple. First of all, there should be clouds at an altitude of 3 to 4 thousand feet. After this, the scientists with the help of an airplane sprinkle a specific chemical on the upper side of the clouds. This chemical after 45 to 60 minutes transforms the clouds into water. In this way, the process of artificial rain starts.

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The Hamas and Israel have entered a temporary truce for a while to move forward towards peace.

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