A. Yasir Arafat

B. Mahmoud Abbas

C. Monis Khan

D. Khas Younas

Brief Facts about Mahmood Abbas:

Mahmoud Abbas is the current president of state of Palestine as well as the Palestinian Authority. He is also the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization since the year 2004. He is the president of the PNA since January 2005. Further, he is the president of Palestine since May 2005.

A. America, Maxico and England.

B. Myanmar, China and HongKong.

C. Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

D. France, Russia and Turkey

Brief Facts about largest consumer of Opium:

Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the three largest consumer of opium in the world. Opium has medicinal and non-medicinal use all over the world. It has been in use since the centuries. Although opium production and distribution are controlled internationally, opium is produced illicitly in some more than 50 states worldwide. And more than 80% coming from Afghanistan. The world’s largest per capita consumers of raw or minimally processed opium are in Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. In 2018, there were an estimated 5 million users of illicit opium internationally.

A. Myanmar

B. Pakistan

C. India

D. Afghanistan

Brief Facts about Largest producer of Opium:

In March 2024, Myanmar is the largest producer of opium in the world. For years Afghanistan has remained as the sole largest producer of Opium. But in recent move of toppling the political government in Afghanistan and getting the rule by Taliban the production and cultivation of opium in Afghanistan have been declined. Now Myanmar is the largest producer of opium in the world.

A. European Politican.

B. Russian Opposition Leader.

C. American Scientist.

D. Asian Nobel Laureates.

Brief Facts about Alexei Navalny:

Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny was a famous Russian opposition leader, anti-corruption movement activist in Russia, a political prisoner or political prisoner as well as a lawyer. He has headed many political and civil society demonstrations against the administration of Vladimir Putin in Russia. Because of these demonstration he was behind the bars and died there on 16 Febraury 2024 at the age of 47.

A. Gangwon – South Korea

B. Seoul – South Korea

C. Tokyo – Japan

D. Beijing – China

Brief Facts about Winter Youth Olympics 2024:

The Winter Youth Olympics 2024 will be played in Gangwon-South Korea from Jan 19 to Feb 02, 2024. In this global event, athletes from around the world will participate in various games. Likewise, there will be seven (07) sports and fifteen (15) disciplines in a total of 81 events. Further, in the year 2021, the International Olympic Committee decided that first time there would be no mixed NOC events.

A. 2022

B. 2023

C. 2024

D. 2025

Details About Leap Year

On the first Tuesday in November of even-numbered years, federal elections in the United States, including presidential elections, take place. This implies that election day always falls on the first Tuesday in November, even in leap years. It always happens on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, however, the exact day may change. Since the 19th century, this custom has been followed, and its purpose is to strike a fair balance between giving the election process adequate time and preventing conflicts with historically prevalent religious holidays or market days.

A. Bilk Nancy

B. Olegeo Naci

C. Oleg Kononenko

D. Lols Pansu

Brief Facts about Oleg Kononenko:

Oleg Kononenko is a Russian cosmonaut who has spent most time in space. He has spent almost 878 days and 12 hours in Earth space which is a new world record in space history. This is equal to two-and-a-half years according to the report published by Sky News.

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