How to Study CSS Past Papers-Mystery of Success in CSS

CSS or Central Superior Services is the top rank exam in Pakistan, Those who pass this exams allocate in various administrative departments of Pakistan. Many aspirants of CSS ask this question repeatedly that how to study CSS Past Papers preparation. There are various tricks to pass this exams. Unlike other exams, studying the past papers of all the selected subjects is one of the primary technique to pass this exam.

To study the past papers of many years is necessary. Because in this way, the aspirant can draw a clear map in his mind regarding the schedule and ways in which questions come CSS various subject’s exams. Whereas, on the other side, most of the students do not pay heed towards this important trick of passing and understanding the CSS exams. As a result, such students who do not study past papers cannot get the idea of paper setting and ultimately fail or get low marks.

How to start studying past papers?

After selecting the subjects for CSS exam, the important part of plan is to understand the whole CSS Exam and CSS Subjects. There are mainly five (05) tactics to pass the CSS Exam in Pakistan that is held under FPSC.

1-Selection of Subjects

Selection of subjects for CSS is one of the most important initial phase. It is because one wrong decision can lead towards failure even after getting very good marks. History of CSS exams shows that many students got marks even more than 800. Whereas, on the other side, they failed in one optional subject with the margin of very few marks ranging from 1 to 5 marks. It shows the wrong decision of students at the time of selection of subjects before the start of exam and at the time of registration.

At the time of selection of subjects for CSS exam. One should keep in mind that CSS exam is not a matter of your personal choice and preferences. It is all about getting higher marks than others to pass and get the high ranks in this exams. So, assume if you have a social sciences background, but social sciences subjects are not giving good marks in CSS papers. You should not adopt or select this subject in CSS.

One Booster Subject

The aspirant should adopt such subjects which have a history of good grade. Such as, Punjabi subject in CSS is always a scoring subjects. You should try to adopt this subject. Because with little efforts you can get very good marks in this exam.

CSS Results history shows that students have got almost 90% marks in this subject. It shows the importance of this subject. Moreover, there are little efforts and hard work is needed to pass this subject as compared to other optional subjects of CSS.

Therefore, selection of subjects at the time of registration is one of the significant steps. Aspirants of CSS should go through this step after due research of paper passing history of CSS subjects as well as scoring trend in CSS past papers. Although, the passing of a subject and getting high marks in CSS depend on your hard work, but in CSS scoring trend also matter a lot.

2-Selection of Books for CSS Exam Preparation

It is commonly said that to pass the CSS exams the aspirants have to read lots of books for one subjects. Whereas, the experience of CSS exams shows that you just need of one good book for one subject of CSS if it is covering the most of the syllabus of a subject. You can consult with other books if the syllabus is not covered by one book. But one book and book written by authentic writer is enough for one subject.

Moreover, i am sharing a very important idea here regarding books of CSS that CSS aspirants should consult with internet and search their topics on internet. Because there is much up to date information in internet. Further, YouTube is the best source of online information regarding every subjects in the current time. So, CSS Past Papers Preparation knowledge is important.

If you have a plenty of time for CSS preparation I am not refusing the importance of reading more than one book for preparation of one subjects. No doubt reading more than one books that are authentic for one subjects will give you high return. But it is also a fact that one authentic book for one subject is also enough for passing the CSS exam. You can get extra information from online sources, such as Google and YouTube etc.

3-CSS Past Paper-Deep Down

Studying and going through the past papers is the most important corner of CSS journey. In fact, you cannot good marks and top CSS Exam without going through the past papers of CSS even they are of compulsory subject or optional subjects.

There are evidences that students study past papers of all the selected subjects more than one of the selected optional subjects. Because by studying the past papers you can understand the paper setting pattern of the examiner.

Therefore, studying the past papers is very much necessary for getting good rank in CSS exam.

According to the past experiences, studying and going through the past papers of last 5 years are necessary to understand the questions that are asked in past papers. Whereas, for a solid preparation the aspirants should study 10 to 15 years past papers for perfect preparation of CSS exams. Specially, during the year 2016 the pattern of CSS exams has changed. Therefore, one should carefully analyze the paper pattern and syllabus of CSS papers after the year 2016.

4-Smart Study

Almost every CSS Topper or those who pass CSS exam talk about the Smart study tactic to pass this exam. Whereas, very few of them explore the idea and express in deatil.

Here I am going to express this idea in detail. Smart study in CSS refers to selective study. In fact, small efforts and higher returns. It refers to many steps. First of all the aspirants of CSS should read out the syllabus of selected subjects, then they should select perfect and authentic book for CSS exam preparation. At the end, aspirants should match the syllabus with past papers and understand the portion of syllabus that has asked repeatedly. Or they should highlight the portion of syllabus, the reading or covering of which make you able to attempt all the necessary questions in CSS single subject. So, in this way, one can preparing the part of syllabus of a subject in CSS Exam can get good marks. Hence, CSS Past Papers Preparation understanding is important to know.

5-Paper Presentation

Paper presentation is the last and one of the important step in getting good rank in CSS exams. Many aspirants have very good preparation and they know all about the questions asked in the papers. But they could not express very well which resulted in getting low marks or failure in the subjects.

On the other side, there are such aspirants of CSS who know little about the subject. Whereas, their paper presentation or method of attempting the CSS papers is very good. Resultantly, they get good marks in CSS exams as compared to the aspirants who have good knowledge, but little knowledge of attempting the paper.

With regard, to the paper presentation of CSS exam. One should keep in mind that always remain to the point while attempting the questions. Moreover, in every single paper of CSS, the aspirants should give maximum authentic reference of the subjects, the subject, the paper of which he is attempting. This will give you high marks at the end of the day.

Bottom Line

CSS is all about planning of this exam in various perspective. It is famously said that “Failing to Plan is to Planning to Fail”.

About the Author: This article is contributed by the veteran CSS Aspirant.

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