Pakistan Tehrik Insaf Pakistan Dilemma

Pakistan Tehrik Insaf is passing through the tough times of its history. The political leaders are leaving the parties due to May 9 incidents and pressure from some forces.

This is the test case for the leader of PTI Imran Khan and its leaders in Pakistan. There is high pressure on PTI.

Politicians Left PTI

So far almost more than 50 leaders of national and provincial leaders have left Pakistan Tehrik Insaf and departed from Imran Khan. Among them Fawad Chaudhry, Fiaz ul Hassan Chohan and Jamshed Chema are a few ones.

Future of PTI

The future of PTI seems in a close corner, but it is famous about Pakistan that everything is possible in Pakistan. Almost same situation was facing by PMLN and PPP after the year 2018. So, no one say any thing about the future of Tehrik Insaf. But in a near future there are everywhere difficulties and tough time for PTI and Imran Khan.

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