A. 24 miles

B. 64 miles

C. 110 miles

D. 350 miles

Details of the Longest someone ran without stopping:

A guy by the name of Dean Karnazes broke the record for the longest run without a break in 2005. In the end, he traveled 350 miles (560 kilometers) nonstop in 80 hours. This indicated his average speed as 4.4 miles per hour. As evidenced by the fact that he completed this race at 43, age truly is only a number.

A. United States

B. Finland

C. Belarus

D. China

Facts About Who drinks the most milk per person:

There is milk available in Belarus, a minor European nation of 9.4 million inhabitants. Each of them consumes 237 gallons of milk on average every year. The reason for this is that, although making up 6% of all dairy exports, they rank among the top five dairy exporters in the world, and their population has shown little interest in plant-based substitutes.

A. Nigeria
B. Algeria
C. Senegal
D. None of these

Brief Facts about Africa Cup of Nations 2022:

The Africa Cup of Nations is also better known as ‘Total Energies Africa Cup of Nations because it is sponsored by various stakeholders. It is the major competition of football (succor) that is held in Africa. Moreover, it was first held in the year 1957. Since the year 1968, this Men Football competition has been held every 2 years.

A. David Cameron
B. Lass Bill
C. John Bit
D. None of these

Brief Facts about the Foreign Minister of England:

Born on October 9, 1966, David William Donald Cameron, Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton, PC, is a British politician who has held the office of Foreign Secretary since 2023. In the past, he was the leader of the Conservative Party from 2005 to 2016, the prime minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016, the leader of the opposition from 2005 to 2010, and a member of parliament (MP) for Witney from 2001 to 2016. He describes himself as a conservative who supports one nation, although he has also supported socially and economically liberal policies.

A. 11 Terrorist States
B. 11 Expected high Potential World Economies
C. 11 Poor States
D. None of these

Brief facts about this MCQ:

The N-11 or Next Eleven are the states of the world, such as Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan, South Korea, Philippines, Nigeria, and Mexico. These states are considered by the Goldman Sachs Investment Bank as having the high potential of becoming the largest economies of the in 21st century parallel to BRICS.

A. China

B. Russia

C. United States

D. Australia

Details About the biggest producers of gold during the year 2023:

Rank Country Gold Production (tons)
1 China 420
2 Australia 330
3 Russia 310
4 United States 200
5 Canada 180
6 Indonesia 160
7 Peru 130
8 Ghana 130
9 Mexico 110
10 South Africa 101
Top 10 biggest producers of gold during the year 2023

A. North Korea

B. Turkmenistan

C. Eritrea

D. France

Details About the hermit state:

A “hermit state” is a term used to designate a nation that is cut off from the outside world and is frequently defined by stringent information control, minimal foreign involvement, and a self-reliance policy. North Korea’s strong isolationism, widespread censorship, and scant diplomatic connections with other countries have earned it the moniker “hermit state” on many occasions. Hermit governments usually follow isolationist policies with the goals of upholding national sovereignty, preventing outside influences, and preserving internal control. This term emphasizes these regimes’ conscious attempts to restrict their political and cultural exchanges with the outside world.

A. China

B. Mexico

C. Brazil

D. North Korea

Why China’s Population is Declining:

China, which had 550 million citizens in 1950 and 1.3 billion by 2000, was formerly the nation with the greatest rate of population growth in the world. It has only added roughly 100 million people since then, and in 2022 the population started to decline as emigration and deaths exceeded births by almost 20%. This is because individuals no longer require as many children due to growth, the one-child policy that has now expired, and economic concerns. Several variables are primarily responsible for China’s population reduction. The original one-child policy, put in place in 1979 to slow down population growth, caused a gender imbalance and a societal predilection for smaller households. Despite being changed to a two-child policy in 2015, population trends continue. Larger families are discouraged by financial strains, rising living expenses, and housing costs in urban regions. Couples are choosing smaller family sizes, which is changing social standards.

A. United States

B. Belgium

C. Saudi Arabia

D. New Zealand

Details of The country that eats the most ice cream:

New Zealanders have an obsession with ice cream; annually, they consume 28 liters, or 7.4 gallons, of it. Since the nation isn’t particularly hot, why they were the largest ice cream consumers and discovered that it all boils down to milk. Being the largest exporter of milk powder in the world, New Zealand shipped dairy goods worth 26 billion dollars last year. There’s a large life cream market because of that milk and the rigorous standards on it.

A. 59

B. 71

C. 88

D. 103

Brief Facts About Most languages mastered by one person:

Ziad Fazah, who speaks 59 different languages, is regarded as the world’s best living polyglot. He was born in Liberia, raised in Beirut, and currently resides in Brazil. He was ‘tested’ on Spanish television, however, it was unclear in some of them how effectively he could talk. But his record is nothing compared to others of the past. Born in 1774, Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti knew forty dialects and 38 languages. Al-Farabi, the Muslim polymath of the 10th century, was said to speak seventy languages. Born in 1807, the German scholar Hans Conon von der Gabelentz studied and wrote grammars for eighty different languages. However, it is most likely the record of Sir John Bowring, the 1854–1859 Governor of Hong Kong, who was reported to know 200 languages, and capable of speaking 100.