Climate Challenges and Health Issues in 21st Century

What is Climate Change?

Climate Change Causes in World- The climate change is fact and no one can deny this fact in the 21st century. The ever mounting mercury, sudden change in weather and melting or ice sheets at polar regions are the crystal clear instances of climate change.

In addition, climate change has multiple negative impacts on the lives of human beings as well as on the lives of other species. These impacts are life threatening.

Health Issues:

Health issues are among the most lethal affects of climate change. Climate change disturbing the lives of common people in different ways. The average temperature of the world is enhancing due to which the existence of life on earth is in danger.

Moreover, the lungs and skin issue among the people are common due to rise in temperature. The intake of hot air may result in issue for lungs.

High level of heat is creating issue of skin cancer and skin burn. And due to this extra heat every year people are dying due to high temperature and heat waves. Specially, people who are living near to the equators, they are facing the serious issues.

Now, even the people in the northern hemisphere are also facing the issue of rise in temperature. For the last 2-3 years the people of European states are also disturbing because of high temperature.

Issues of Workers:

Rise in temperature has also created lots of problems for the common people who work in open fields. They are facing the extreme level of heat and it becomes very difficult for them to work of late hours in open fields.

Extinction of Species:

The melting of ice at polar regions has also created lots of issues for the species whose sanctuary is ice sheets. So, these species are going to extinct in the near future if the mercury continues rising.

Agricultural Issues:

The rising heat is also lethal for the agricultural sector. It is because the crops are getting dry in the presence of immense heat. So, agriculture sector is also facing lots of problems due to climate change and sudden change in weather.

Bottom Line:

Climate change has become a very serious issue for the living things of 21st century world. There is need of serious efforts to control the situation. otherwise, it will become very difficult to survive on earth. There is need to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels that are producing carbon dioxide into the air. Similarly, there is need of collective efforts at international level to control the issue of climate change.
Also Read: Climate Change Causes in World

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