Artificial Rain in Lahore Pakistan

The Government of Punjab has conducted a successful test of artificial rain in the provincial capital Lahore. These arrangements are made to counter the issue of smog in Lahore.

Lahore is among the top polluted cities in the world due to intense pollution particles, and poisonous gases in the air.

Moreover, this project of artificial rain was completed with the help of the UAE government. The scientists from UAE state were present in Lahore for the last 2 weeks and participated in this whole process.

The process of artificial rain is simple. First of all, there should be clouds at an altitude of 3 to 4 thousand feet. After this, the scientists with the help of an airplane sprinkle a specific chemical on the upper side of the clouds. This chemical after 45 to 60 minutes transforms the clouds into water. In this way, the process of artificial rain starts.

Also Read: Climate change and weather

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