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Thesis Statement:

Corruption is a social evil which is prevailing everywhere and it is dangerous for social, economic and financial growth of a country. Moreover, corruption is also against the slogan of meritocracy. The roots of this social evil must be cut down with strict punishment and accountability of every responsible person.


What are the impacts of Corruption?

  1. Corruption is deteriorating the roots of the nation in different ways, such as, morally, socially, and ethically.
  2. Loss of image at the international level.
  3. Corruption is also dangerous for economic progress and development.
  4. It also enhances the slow working at offices and red-tapism culture also.
  5. Loss of public finance due to corruption and embezzlement in public money.
  6. Corruption is also a hindrance in the way of foreign investment because foreign investors are not ready to invest in a state where corruption is rampant.
  7. Corruption promotes more and more foreign loans and funds which further enhances the dependency at the sacrifice of national sovereignty.
  8. It also promotes crime in every nook and corner of the country.
  9. Corruption also promotes poverty.

What are the causes of Corruption in Pakistan?

  1. Pakistan is a soft state and criminals, as well as corrupt people, get relief after committing crimes.
  2. The system of accountability not independent.
  3. Moreover, the accountability system itself has lots of drawbacks, the officials of accountability institutes in Pakistan are not well trained to control the white color crime.
  4. The low salaries of the government employees and officials are also a big factor behind the rampant corruption in Pakistan.
  5. Corruption is also not good for maintaining good governance and better management.

A Way Forward

  1. There is a need for implementation of the laws for strict following the rules regarding transparency.
  2. The pay and packages of government employees should be optimized to fulfill the domestic needs of employees.
  3. The education should be of drew on such lines which must promote transparency and meritocracy.


Corruption is a social evil which is deteriorating the image of Pakistan at local level as well as at international level. There is need to resolve this issue through proper planning and management.

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Thesis Statement:

The energy crisis is one of the prominent problems in Pakistan. It is affecting the National Income to a large extent. Because in the modern Age every sector of the economy is associated with the optimum provision of energy.


What are the reasons or factors of Energy Crisis in Pakistan?

  1. Import of energy resources from foreign states, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar, etc.
  2. Fragile planning regarding the management of resources.
  3. The high amount of circular debt.
  4. Increase in population abruptly and poor management regarding the provision of resources to the people.
  5. Poor energy mix, as most of the burden of the energy demand is on few energy resources, such as furnace oil and gas.

What are the consequences of energy crisis in Pakistan?

  1. Low economic growth and Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  2. Flight of capital towards nearby states.
  3. Rise in the unemployment rate which further result in poverty and hunger.
  4. Low investment in the economy due to lack of energy resources.
  5. Poor working conditions throughout the country.
  6. The energy crisis in Pakistan is also affecting the export of Pakistan to the rest of the world.

What is the solution of energy problem in Pakistan?

  1. There must be strategic planning regarding the solution to the energy problem in Pakistan.
  2. The strategy must consist of short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning.
  3. Moreover, the government should focus on the use of clean energy, such as solar power, wind power, and hydel power.
  4. The issue of circular debt must be resolved immediately to resolve the problem of the energy crisis in Pakistan.
  5. It is also the need of the out to use energy conservative appliances.
  6. The government should also promote public transport for less consumption of energy resources.


The energy crisis in Pakistan is a very serious issue. The government officials must resolve the issue through thick and thin. Because it is a issue all over Pakistan and its is attached to National welfare and economic growth.

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Thesis Statement:

Independent or morally and financially strong nations in the world are the real powers of the world. There are very few states that are really independent in handling their all matters. For independent Pakistan, there is a need for an economically and financially strong Pakistan.


What are the measures or parameters to gauge the independence of a country or the sovereignty of a state?

Factors that restrict a truly independent Pakistan

  1. Critical analysis of the independence of Pakistan in the last almost 73 years.
  2. What are the true hurdles in the way of true independent Pakistan?
  3. Political problems in the way of achieving sovereignty in Pakistan.
  4. Problematic borders with the neighboring states and issue of unrest in the proximate states.
  5. Role of military and its intervention in the political matters of Pakistan as blamed by the political parties.
  6. Lack of consensus among the political parties is also a major factor in the absence of independent and sovereign Pakistan.
  7. The issues of fragile foreign policy are also a hurdle in the smooth way of independent Pakistan.
  8. Repeated issues of law and order and continuous incidents of terrorism across the country.

Administrative Issues which are creating a scenario of Dependent Pakistan

  1. The behavior of bureaucracy and red tap-ism in government offices.
  2. Justice delayed is justice denied.
  3. Unfair and selective as well as a seasonal accountability system.
  4. The vicious circle of poverty in Pakistan especially in rural areas.
  5. High inflation rate and poor economic condition of the people.
  6. Similarly, the issue of undocumented economy is also a vital issue in the way of independent Pakistan.
  7. Religious issues are also important to consider for national independence.

Social Hurdles in the way of truly Independent Pakistan

  1. Marginal role of women in every walk of life and treating women as a separate subject.
  2. Division of society into classes and influence of landlords as well as feudal.
  3. Moreover, uncontrolled growth of the population is a burden on national resources.

How can we a truly Independent nation?

  1. First of all economic Independence and economic progress is necessary for achieving the goal of true independence.
  2. There must be national integration in all matters.
  3. There must be a rule of law, everyone must be equal before the law.
  4. The system of accountability must be strong and it must flourish all over the country without any distinction.
  5. A transparent system of government should also prevail.
  6. Moreover, the social and ethical values of a nation individually and collectively must be on high footings.


Truly independent Pakistan needs equal progress of every nook and corner of the country without any distinction. Furthermore, economic stability and progress are the keys to achieving a truly independent and sovereign Pakistan.

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Social Media Platforms and Facebook || Facebook or Twitter || Perils of Social Media Platforms

Thesis Statement:

Social media a very cheap and fast source of connecting people worldwide. But this medium of communication has also enhanced the rift between the people locally. There is a need to use this social media platform with due care.


What are the different types of Media?

  1. Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Whatsup, etc
  2. Electronic Media, e.g. TV Channels
  3. Print Media, For instance, Newspapers, Journals, Periodicals, and Digests, etc

What are the famous Social Media Platforms?

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. Whatsup
  5. TikTok
  6. Skype

What are the advantages of Social Media?

  1. Social media is connecting people worldwide.
  2. It is a cheap and very fast source of communication throughout the world.
  3. It also plays its role in raising social issues across the world as well as locally.
  4. Social media is also playing its due role in creating political awareness among the people.
  5. Different social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter are also educating the people through different mediums.
  6. Social media networks are also providing opportunities for employment to millions of people across the world.
  7. Moreover, social media has also played a vital role in developing the development of technology throughout the world.
  8. Social media networks are also creating harmony among the people of the world by providing versatile information to people reading the different cultures and societies.
  9. Furthermore, Social media is also keeping people aware of the world’s burning news round the clock.
  10. Similarly, social media networks are also playing their roles in enhancing the living standards of the people globally.
  11. It is also playing its due role in highlighting public issues.
  12. Social media is also a key platform in pinpointing the corruption stories of government officials.
  13. People are also using social media platforms for getting the support of people against the powerful blocs, such as against human trafficking gangs, drug gangs, etc.
  14. Social media networks are also helping government officials in improving good governance dynamics.

What are the evils of Social Media in Pakistan?

  1. People are negatively using social media networks, such as they are blackmailing others for financial gains.
  2. Harassment of women/girls through social media networks is also a big issue in the current arena.
  3. Deterioration of moral, ethical, and social values because of social media networks. As it is very easy to hide your identity through social media accounts.
  4. Breaching the privacy of others is also a big issue of social media networks.
  5. Loss of time, as students and many other common people, are spending hours on these social media networks.
  6. Loss of health due to continuous usage of social media networks.
  7. There is a high percentage of news which are circulating on social media which is fake and untrue.
  8. Social media is also used for character assassination which is a bad thing for the moral and ethical values of a society.
  9. Young ones are more tend to online activities as compared to on-ground physical gaming activities.

A Way Forward

It is the need of the hour to educate people regarding the usage of social media networks.
Moreover, there must be strict punishment for whoever breaks the rules regarding the usage of social media networks.
Everyone must care about the self-respect and privacy of others while using social media networks.


Social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter etc are very good, cheap and fast sources of communication locally as well as internationally. But there is need of using these social media networks like sensible and educated people while restricting the limits.

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China-Pakistan Relations in 21 Century || China and Pakistan under CPEC || China-Pakistan Ties

Thesis Statement:

China and Pakistan are two South Asian states as well as friendly neighboring states. They have had strong diplomatic, economic, social, and political ties for the last many decades. The relations between Pakistan and China are popularly known as ever-green relationships.

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Brief Facts About Pakistan-China Relations are as follows:

  1. Historical examples of Pakistan-China Relations, such as Chinese help to Pakistan during Pakistan’s hard times.
  2. Resolution of border issues and peaceful demarcation of borderlines between China and Pakistan.
  3. Role and activeness of China during the Pakistan membership struggle in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
  4. Furthermore, China and its role during the Nuclear Program of Pakistan and later on Chinese support during the test of Nuclear weapons.
  5. Moreover, the role of the state of China and the defense requirements and needs of Pakistan.
  6. Moreover, the moral support of Pakistan to China during the isolation period.
  7. The positive role of Pakistan in Bridging the China-US Relations

Present Contours of China-Pakistan Ties

  1. The economic aspects of Pakistan China Relations, such as China’s billions of dollars in investment in Pakistan.
  2. Chinese investment in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.
  3. The share of FDI from China is greater than in many other states.
  4. Durable and cheap imports and exports of goods from China.
  5. The energy projects are under the supervision of China and with the technical and financial assistance of the Chinese state.
  6. Mutual efforts of China and Pakistan to put an end to terrorism.
  7. Improvement in the living standards of the people.

Many other aspects of Pakistan-China Relations

  1. Political Aspects of Pak-China Relations in the 21st Century.
  2. The string of pearls policy.
  3. India is a common enemy of both states.
  4. Mutual struggles for peace and law and order in Afghanistan.
  5. The United States and its inclination towards the Indian state.
  6. Chinese state struggles to get a membership for Pakistan in SEO

Strategic Importance of Deep-Sea Port i.e. Gawadar Sea Port in Pakistan

  1. Gawadar Seaport is one of the main projects which is running under the CPEC partnership.
  2. Ease of access to the world to the Chinese state through Gawader.

What are the Challenges to Pak-China Relationships?

  1. The main issue of the Uyghur Separatist movement.
  2. The critical issue of target killing of Chinese engineers and workers in Pakistan.
  3. The engagement of Pakistan with the United States of America in different aspects.
  4. Versatile and changing nature of China-India ties in the 21st century.
  5. The slow speed of many Chinese projects under the CPEC partnership.
  6. Lack of political harmony among the political parties in Pakistan regarding the completion of CPEC projects.

A Way Forward

  1. Provision of foolproof security to Chinese nationals in Pakistan.
  2. Political consensus over national projects and national issues.
  3. Early completion and support of CPEC projects.
  4. Mutual efforts and struggles for peace in Afghanistan.


China and Pakistan can boost their economy by strengthening their social, economic, and political ties. There are several avenues for development and growth for both states.

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Thesis Statement:

There are lots of factors which are responsible for industrial backwardness. For Instance, lack of capital, lack of political will and absence of modern technology. There is need of proper strategic planning for prompt industrialization and attraction of foreign investment. Because for prompt industrialization there is need of billions of dollars investment.


What is the current situation of Industrial Sector of Pakistan?

  1. There is a lack of skilled labor in Pakistani Industries, such as the textile industry, Information Technology Industry, and high technology industry.
  2. Moreover, there is also lack of capital which results in insufficient structure and lack of modern technology for producton of competitive goods.
  3. Our industrial equipment are comparable with the technologies in the western states. Therefore, our products are not quality wise enough to compete with the other western goods.
  4. Furthermore, portion of loans which is available for the industrial sector is very low. Because for industrial establishment there is need of high amount of investment.

Different Eras of Industrial Development in Pakistan

  1. The Era of prompt Industrial development and Growth-1950s
  2. The Era of Industrial Stabilization-1960s
  3. Nationalization and its Impacts-1970s
  4. Russian-Afghan war and Pro-Industrial policies of Zia ul Haq-1980s
  5. The Decade of Privatization-1990s
  6. Commercialization under Musharaf-Post 9/11

Different Industrial Classification in Pakistan

  1. Large Scale manufacturing sector.
  2. Small Scale manufacturing sector
  3. Construction Sector
  4. Mining Sector
  5. Electricity Generation and Distribution Sector
  6. Cement Industry
  7. Textile Industry
  8. Information Technology
  9. Chemical Industry

What are the issues of the Industrial Sector in Pakistan?

  1. There are lots of economic issues which are faced by the industrial sector of Pakistan, such as energy issues,s, etc.
  2. The huge bank spread is also a big hurdle in the smooth development of the industrial sector.
  3. The devaluation of the Pakistani currency is also a big factor that hinders the smooth progress of industrial development.
  4. Under or low level of utilization of natural resources also lead the industry towards backwardness.
  5. Minimum role of women in the industrial sector of Pakistan.
  6. The exploitation of women and children in the Industrial sector of Pakistan, e.g. low payment to children and women as compared to men.
  7. Corruption is also a key factor that hinders the development of an industrial sector.
  8. Political issues have come in the way of industrial development.
  9. Social complications are also key factors for the low level of industrial development.

A Way Forward

Provision of cheap and uninterrupted energy resources to all industrial sectors without any distinctions.
Provision of easy credit facilities to the industrial sectors.
Optimum utilization of natural resources for industrial developments.
Inclusion of women in the industrial sector of Pakistan.

Provision of better health facilities to the health workers. Because employees and workers can only work with a healthy body.
There is also a need for the hour to maintain better law and order situation. As business activities also prosperous in a peaceful environment.
Furthermore, the government should also promote Research and Development institutes for innovation and development.
Finally, political sustainability is also necessary for the promotion of industrial sector development.


Industrial development is necessary for economic development in Pakistan

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Thesis Statement:

Women are as important for society as men are important in the world. Therefore, women must be respected for their peaceful existence in the world.


What are the factors of women backwardness?

  1. lack of knowledge and literacy rate among women, as there are low levels of opportunities of education for women in Pakistan as well as in the developing states.
  2. Economically women are deprived, they have fewer opportunities of employment as compared to men.
  3. Malnutrition is also a big issue in Pakistan for women.
  4. Women have also a very restricted role in the decision-making or in the top leadership of Pakistan which results in economic, social, and political deprivation, e.g. there are only 2% women in the top level management of Pakistan.
  5. Sexual harassment is also a reason for women’s backwardness, due to the fear of sexual harassment women are unable for out of homework activities.
  6. Most importantly domestic violence also hinders women from practical participation in every walk of life.

How does the Backwardness of Women lead towards the Backward of a Nation?

  1. It is the universal fact that the backwardness of women is the deterioration of national, cultural, and economic values.
  2. The backwardness of women results in a morally and ethically weak society.
  3. The rate of crimes enhances in case of backwardness of women. Because women are the maker of humans, man grows in the lap of women and if women are backward, every new child will be corrupt and crime lover.
  4. The culture of favoritism and corruption will be high in the case of women’s backwardness.
  5. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be lower in case of women’s backwardness and in case of low literacy.

What are the important causes of Women Backwardness?

  1. The wrong interpretation of religious teachings is the main factor that hinders the promotion of education among women.
  2. The social taboos in Pakistani society also restrict the social, political, religious, and educational roles of women in Pakistani society.
  3. The political factor is also a very big hindrance in the smooth way of women’s progress and development in different fields of life.
  4. Moreover, the constitutional lacking is also a key factor that does not protect the rights of women in developing states like Pakistan.
  5. lack of representation of women in every walk of life, as men’s percentage in the top management as well as top leadership, is high as compared to the women. And this scenario prevails all over the world not just in developing states. We have very rarely seen the female Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization and World Bank etc.

What Steps Must be taken for Women Empowerment in Pakistan?

  1. Fulfillment of Millennium Development Goals, as these goals, fulfill the conditions of the requirement of women’s rights to a large extent.
  2. Following and fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Implementation and strict compliance of laws and rules which pertain to women’s rights.
  4. The civil society as well as different NGOs which are formed for women’s rights protection must start the awareness campaign for the protection of women’s rights in the society.
  5. There must be strict punishment for domestic violence in Pakistan to stop the heinous crime against women.
  6. Fixation of quotas for women in different social, political, economic, financial, and educational institutes.
  7. Most importantly, special attention must be paid to the education of women in Pakistani society. Because educated women are more conscious regarding their rights as compared to uneducated women.
  8. Promotion of women’s role as independent entrepreneurs and other similar roles in society.
  9. The devolution of power in the society to the lower strata will enhance the role of women in Pakistani society. And will encourage the participation of women in different sectors of the economy.


Women are an integral part of society. They must be treated equally in every walk of life. Furthermore, women can take equal part in social, economic, and financial matters. In short, they are equally important for the economy as men are important.

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Thesis Statement:

Democracy is one of the best forms of governance. It is commonly known as the government of the people. Because, unlike dictatorship and kingship, in a democracy, the head of the state or leaders are selected by the people through a plebiscite. Moreover, democracy ensures the fulfillment of the basic rights of people, as well as social, political, educational, and civic rights.

Famous Saying of Leaders Regarding Democracy

  • Democracy is necessary for peace and to undermining the forces of terrorism. (Benazir Bhutto)
  • Democracy is the device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. (George Bernard Shaw)
  • Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage. (H. I. Mencken)

What happens in the absence of Democratic form of governance?

  1. The lack of democratic values results in bad governance, as democracy cares about the basic rights of everyone without the distinction of caste, color, and creed.
  2. Absence of a democratic form of governance results in a low level of public interests as well as national integration.
  3. A democratic form of governance is also associated with the good economy of a country. Therefore, a democratic form of governance also ensures economic growth and development.
  4. Unfair distribution of resources, as if there is the absence of a democratic form of governance there will be the tilt of government officials towards specific areas and less attention towards deprived areas.

What are the causes of lack of democratic values in Pakistan?

  1. In a democratic form of governance, the power is assigned towards the lower strata of society. And many people in the power corridors do not want to give powers to the lower strata of society. Therefore, in this case, power remains intact to a specific group of people.
  2. Repeated military coups are also one of the factors of the lack of democratic values in Pakistan. As the people of Pakistan have witnessed almost 3 military coups which have disturbed the democratic institutes a lot.
  3. Moreover, for a strong democracy, there is also a need for a strong economic system. Because the economy in the modern days economy determines the form of governance in many cases.
  4. There is politics of families in Pakistan. And these families are so strong, ruling in Pakistan for decades. They are so strong that no one can compete with them.

A Way Forward

  1. There is a need for prompt industrialization because industrial development also promotes democratic values in a society. One can take an example from western society, e.g. United Kingdom.
  2. There is also a need for rule of law, everyone must treat equally before the law, and there should not one law for some and another law for the other.
  3. Moreover, decentralization of power at a lower level is the need of the hour. Because strengthening the lower section of society is necessary for a stronger democratic form of governance.
  4. The military intervention must stop for the promotion of democratic values in Pakistan.
  5. Good governance is also necessary for the purpose of smooth flowing of a democratic form of governance.


Democracy is the ultimate form of governance. It protects the basic rights of the people in all cases. Therefore, democratic values must be guarded.

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Thesis Statement:

The absence of good governance has remained a very big issue in Pakistan. The state of Pakistan is facing lots of social, cultural, educational, economic, financial, and political problems due to bad governance at different levels. It is the need of the hour to bring good governance in every nook and corner of Pakistan for swift progress and development.

What are the issues of Bad Governance in Pakistan or

What are the consequences of Bad Governance in Pakistan

The economic condition of Pakistan is deplorable, as every indicator of the economy showing the dismal state of affairs of the state.

Low level of trust of foreign states in the political leadership due to bad governance, as rampant corruption is eroding the trust of foreign world leaders.

A higher level of poverty, according to Transparency international millions of people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line.

The unemployment rate is very high and unemployed young men are committing suicide due to hunger and unemployment.

The social evils are at an all-time high, such as poverty, begging, street crimes, child labor, and women harassment, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan every year thousands of women are killed in Pakistan in the name of honor.

The uneven development of different regions shows the true picture of bad governance in Pakistan. As some regions are highly developed while others are still deprived of their basic rights, such as lack of health facilities, minimum educational facilities, and low level of employment opportunities.

It is also the big example of bad governance in Pakistan that big foreign, as well as locally sponsored projects, are not completed in time, due to which their cost increases. And this results in billions of losses to the national exchequer.

The level of corruption is very high, according to the report of Transparency International Pakistan is among the top-level states where the percentage of corruption is high.

Nepotism and red-tapism are also high in the government department which shows the crystal clear picture of bad governance in Pakistan

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What are the reasons/factors for Bad Governance in Pakistan?

There are lots of reasons of bad governance in Pakistan, as mentioned below:

The institute of anti-corruption is not independent, for good governance, the institute of anti-corruption must be strong.

The system of true and fair accountability system is also not present in true colors in Pakistan.

Procrastination has become the way of business in every walk of life which further promote bad governance.

Political deadlock or political instability is also a factor behind the bad governance in Pakistan.

Democratic values are not present in their true forms.

A Way Forward

It is need of the hour to promote the culture of transparency and integration.

Moreover, there is also a need to promote democratic values in Pakistan. Because democratic values promote good governance, as in the case of Switzerland and Norway. These states are at high footing with respect to democratic values which further results in good governance and better management.

There must be a strict rule of law in the country, everyone should be equal before the law. And there must not one law for the ones and another law for the others.

There is also a need for swift large-scale industrialization for making Pakistan a developed state. The examples of Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan are in front of us.

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Thesis Statement:

Global warming is a real danger to human lives on earth in the coming days. The survival of Man on earth is uncertain in case of continuous rise in temperature. So, there is a need of controlling the situation through proper planning and global cooperation.


What are the prominent Impacts of Global Warming?

  1. Danger to human health, such as chances of Skin Cancer, eye burning, and other such issues in the human body.
  2. Loss of agricultural products, e.g. high temperature is not in the favor of many crops.
  3. The rise in temperature is also putting in danger the smooth flow of routine life and daily activities of people, as in the presence of heatwaves people cannot work in open fields.
  4. A rise in the sea level because of climate change or a rise in temperature also causes the melting of the iceberg at the polar region as well as from the intercontinental region which further enhances the volume of water in the ocean.
  5. Global warming is also dangerous for the transportation of goods through ships because global warming results in the shattering of ice-sheet into ice blocks on the surface of the ocean.
  6. Extinction of various species from the oceanic world as well as from the arid region.
  7. More and severe hurricanes, storms, and heavy rains as well as the flood in case of climate change and global warming

Which are the causes of Global Warming

  1. High consumption of carbon dioxide gases.
  2. Use of lethal and toxic chemicals in the agriculture sector and high level of usage of pesticides to protect the crops from pests.
  3. Increase in the percentage of concrete structure in main cities, as concrete structure also promotes the issue of global warming.
  4. Increase in the number of large-scale industries and number of vehicles.
  5. Usage of electrical and power-oriented appliances in daily life demands more power consumption and emission of carbon dioxide.

A Way Forward

  1. Dumping of garbage instead of putting it in the fire.
  2. Use of clean energy at a large level, such as the creation of power through hydel power, solar sources, wind sources, and oceanic waves sources.
  3. Promotion of public transport can decrease the high consumption of petroleum products, and this thing certainly lowers down the chances of global warming.
  4. More plantation inside the cities as well as at designated places in the surrounding of big cities apart from the forest regions.
  5. Finally, the global mutual cooperation and long-term strategy is the ultimate solution to cope with the issue of global warming and climate change.


Global warming or climate change is facts in the modern industrial world. To cope with this situation, it is the need of the hour to make strategies at global level. Because global warming is not the issue of a state or a region in the world. But it is a global issue and threat to all humanity.

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