Pakistan Tehrik Insaf is passing through the tough times of its history. The political leaders are leaving the parties due to May 9 incidents and pressure from some forces.

This is the test case for the leader of PTI Imran Khan and its leaders in Pakistan. There is high pressure on PTI.

Politicians Left PTI

So far almost more than 50 leaders of national and provincial leaders have left Pakistan Tehrik Insaf and departed from Imran Khan. Among them Fawad Chaudhry, Fiaz ul Hassan Chohan and Jamshed Chema are a few ones.

Future of PTI

The future of PTI seems in a close corner, but it is famous about Pakistan that everything is possible in Pakistan. Almost same situation was facing by PMLN and PPP after the year 2018. So, no one say any thing about the future of Tehrik Insaf. But in a near future there are everywhere difficulties and tough time for PTI and Imran Khan.

Syria Joins Arab League after 11 Years

What is Arab Spring 2011
What is Arab Spring 2011

The news is spreading all around that Syria Join the Arab League after 11 Years. This news is associated with many other events or developments that have happened in the region.

In fact, this is a major breakthrough that is developed by some states including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and China.

The Chinese state is trying to give a tough time to the United States of America due to the various counter strategies of the USA against the US.

Chinse Strategies to Counter USA in Asia

In the first step, China has normalized the ties between the Arab states in the Middle East. Because these Middle East states are rich in natural resources. On the other side, China needs energy resources in large amounts.

Furthermore, these Arab states are a big market for the giant industry of China. So, better law and order situation in these Arab states is in the best interest of China.

Related: Revival of Diplomatic Ties Between Saudi Arabia and Iran

China Policy in the South China Sea

The South China Sea is another flash point between China and America. China is claiming the possession of entire region and waters of the South China Sea. Whereas, the bordering states of the South China Sea, such as the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan are also claiming their possession of the South China Sea. In this way, the US is supporting these states against China.

Moreover, the importance of the South China Sea is also higher due to its strategic location. This sea is a transit point for world commercial ships. In this way, control over the South China Sea means you have control over a high percentage of commercial ships in the world.

Arab Spring 2011

The situation in Arab states become worse after the creation of a political situation in the Arab States that is popularly better known as ‘Arab Spring 2011’. As a result of this political dilemma the decades-old Monarchies, kingships, and dictatorships come to an end. people started talking about social rights, political rights, and greater freedom of speech.

Arab Spring and Tunisia

The Arab Spring political upset started from the African Muslim state of Tunisia. Where the decade-old kingship ended. The people started political agitation after the suicide of Bouzizi a vendor in Tunisia. So, in the ‘Domino effect’ all the neighboring states, like Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen follow the same pattern. In this way, the Arab Spring spread all over the Arab Muslim States where mostly there was a non-democratic setup.

On 9th of May, 2023, the NAB authorities in Rawalpindi have arrested Chairman PTI Imran Khan in a major move. The arrest of Imran Khan is done according to the arrest warrant issued by the Chairman NAB.

Moreover, NAB and rangers have arrested Imran Khan from the building of Islamabad High Court. After the arrest, PTI Chairman has been transferred to NAB office Rawalpindi.

Protests across Pakistan over Imran Khan Arrest

As the news of Imran Khan was aired on TV Channels and social media, the supporters of Imran Khan and PTI workers have moved towards the roads and blocked many roads in major cities of Pakistani.

Moreover, PTI workers have also set on fire the key residences of military officers and civilian offices. Similarly, the vehicles of police department have also set on fire due to continuous protest from the public.

Why Imran Khan is Arrested?

The arrest of Imran Khan is done due to the issue of Al-Qadir Trust alleged embezzlement. The matter is regarding the illegally allotting the land for Al-Qadir trust.

Related: NAB Ordinance

The Supreme of Pakistan in his recent decision issued an order to the Federal Government and Election Commission of Pakistan to conduct the General Elections in Punjab Pakistan within 90 days and without any further delay.

Related: Seats in KPK Assembly Pakistan

General Elections Punjab

The General Elections in Punjab Province are due after the end of the term period of democratic government. The last government in Punjab was of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf. And Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Pervez Elahi has dismissed the assembly by suggesting to the Governor of Punjab that the Punjab Assembly be dissolved.

Acting Government in Punjab

After the dissolution of the Punjab assembly, according to the law, the acting setup took administrative control of Punjab. The Punjab Acting Government and especially the Chief Minister are also reluctant to conduct the General Elections in Punjab by giving the logic of the law and order situation in the country.

Supreme Court Order after Sou Moto

Now after days and months of word fight between the political parties and the result of sou moto taken by the Chief Justice of Pakistan. The Chief Justice has given his verdict that General Elections in Punjab will be conducted after due process and Supreme Court has also announced 14th May as the General Election date in Punjab.

Also Read: How many MPAs Seats are in Baluchistan Assembly Pakistan