A. Brain

B. Heart

C. Skin

D. Liver

Details of The hottest part of the human body:

A person’s body temperature is typically 37 degrees Celsius, or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Nevertheless, depending on their activity, numerous body parts have varying temperatures, with the liver being the hottest. The liver performs a large quantity of functions, which is the cause. The largest organ in the body, the liver performs a variety of functions including breaking down meals and cleansing blood. It becomes hotter—104 degrees Fahrenheit, or 40 degrees Celsius—while doing this.

A. Greece

B. India

C. Italy

D. Mesopotamia

Details of The country that invented the pickle:

Due to its numerous rivers, the Tigris Valley—which now includes parts of Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey—served as the ancient Mesopotamian Empire’s center of vegetation. But because of the heat, a lot of veggies were scarce in some areas, therefore preserving fruits and vegetables became important. Cucumbers were harvested from the Tigris and stored in vinegar-infused water in 2,400 BC. The name pickle originated in German and spread around the world, meaning “brine.”

A. Leonardo Da Vinci

B. Michelangelo

C. Picasso

D. Stan Lee

Details of the Artist with the highest-selling painting:

Despite being the most well-known artist of all time, Da Vinci only contributed directly to 20 paintings. Historians discovered that, of the 100 in 1900, the majority were either fakes or apprentices. As a result, Salvator Mundi, his artwork, sold for 450 million dollars in 2017, making it the most expensive painting ever. The strange thing is that Da Vinci’s life was perceived as a failure because his horse was wrecked, the Mona Lisa was hidden, and the Last Supper had problems.

A. Great white whale

B. Elephant

C. Lemurs

D. Colossal squid

Details of Animal with the Biggest Eyes:

In 1925, massive squid were found in the stomach of a deceased whale. Only eight have been discovered since then, six of which are inside whale stomachs. Their unique habitat of Antarctic seas and constant swimming depths of one to two thousand feet account for their difficulty in finding. Many are also hesitant to locate them since, at 46 feet, they might pose a threat to a submarine. With their 11-inch eyeballs, they also own the record for widest eyes.

A. 10 million USD

B. 50 million USD

C. 200 million USD

D. 1.3 billion USD

Details About Most money spent on an investigation:

MIT math genius Ted Kaczynski went nuts as a young man and started living off the grid in his early 20s. He detonated sixteen bombs by mail, resulting in three fatalities and numerous injuries. This resulted in the longest-ever FBI investigation for a found criminal, spanning 17 years and costing $50 million.

A. United States

B. Spain

C. China

D. Czech Republic

Details About The country with the highest baldness rate:

Baldness is more common in white individuals! By the age of 45, 48% of white men will be bald. 35 percent of Black males. 32% of male Hispanics. Male Native Americans and Asians are in their low 20s. With 43% of all men being bald, the Czech Republic, which is 90%+ white, is now a bald haven, marginally ahead of all other countries.

A. United States

B. Canada

C. China

D. Italy

Details About Where were sunglasses invented:

Many historians disagree over who invented sunglasses—some say the Roman Empire did so in the 12th century, while others say China did. The first was the Inuit tribes of Canada, who fashioned driftwood and walrus bones into sunglasses to block out the sun. Although they didn’t employ glass—which wasn’t invented until the 1700s—they accomplished the same goal.

A. 37 days

B. 189 days

C. 410 days

D. 881 days

Details About Longest a Place had rain every day:

Hawaii receives a lot of rain; at least one area experiences rain at least 44% of the time. Nevertheless, it never stopped raining in one area of Hawaii more than a century ago. Generally speaking, Honomu, Hawaii experienced a lot of rain; from 1913 to 1916, there were 881 days of rain in a row there. Which isn’t even the worst; in 1939–1940, there were 331 days of extremely heavy rain at Maui’s Manuawalli Ranch.