In Which Generation of Computers Very Large Integrated Circuits were Used?

A. 1st Generation Computers
B. 2nd Generation Computers
C. 3rd Generation Computers
D. 4th Generation Computers

Brief Facts About 4th generation Computers:

The period of fourth generation was from 1971-1980. Computers of fourth generation used terribly massive Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits having regarding 5000 transistors and different circuit parts with their associated circuits on one chip created it doable to own microcomputers of fourth generation. Fourth generation computers became additional powerful, compact, reliable, and reasonable. As a result,it rise to Personal-Computer (PC) Revolution. during this generation, sharing, real time networks, distributed software system were used. All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc. are now essential element of personal compuetrs.

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