Kotli Azad Kashmir is one of the districts of AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir). This district of Azad Kashmir has many distinctions concerning geography, history, civilization, and history of Azad Kashmir.
Likewise, Kotli lies on the Poonch River, and the river contains several waterfalls, including the world-famous Lala Waterfall near the town of Kotli. Similarly, the Gulpur Waterfalls at the village of Gulpur to the southwest are also famous among local and international tourists. As per the 2017 Census of Pakistan, Kotli had a population of 46,907.
Related: Bhimber Azad Kashmir
History of Kotli Azad Kashmir
The city of Kotli has a rich history woith various perspectives. The city of Kotli can be dated back to the 15th century when it was settled by a branch of the Royal Mangral family of Kashmir, Raja Mangar Pal. Back then it was known by the name of Kohtali, meaning “under mountain”. Kotli remained independent until subdued by Ranjit Singh in 1819.
After the independence of Pakistan and India from the British Raj, the army of the newly created state of India reached Kotli in November 1947. They evacuated the garrison at the town. The Pakistani Army counter-attacked with the aid of the native tribesmen. It has been under Pakistani control ever Ages
Literacy Rate in Kotli Azad Kashmir
The literacy rate in Kotli Azad Kashmir is better than in many other districts of AJK. Kotil is home to the University of Kotli (UoK), formerly a constituent college of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
University of Kotli or also famously known as Kurti University has been providing education to the students of Azad Kashmir for years. It became a university as a result of Presidential Ordinance VIII passed in 2014.
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