Distribute Rs. 5800 among Yaser, Hiba, and Ali in such a way that if Yaser gets 2 parts then Hiba gets 3 parts, if Hiba gets 4 then Ali should get 3 parts. What would be the shares of Yaser, Hiba, Ali respectively?

A. 1200, 1800, 1600B. 1000, 1200, 1500C. 1600, 2400, 1800D. 800, 1000, 1400 Solution of this Mcq We will take the ratio of all threeYaser:Hiba:Ali = 8 : 12 : 9The sum of the ratio is: 29NowIn order to take out Yaser’s share:8*5800⁄29 = 1600Simplified share of Yaser: 1600Similarly, follow the same procedure for the rest of … Read more