What was the real name of Abu Jahal?
A. Hisham bin Khalid B. Umer bin Hisham C. Umer bin Sohail D. Umer bin Urwah
Islamic Study MCQs Quizzes includes; Basic and advance Knowledge about History of Islam, Islamic Values, beliefs about Allah, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), other Prophets, The Holy Quran, Revered Sayings and Actions of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the Hadith and Sunnah, the Day of Judgment, the existence of Angels, the Importance of Destiny, Life after Death, Beliefs about Intercession, and the Role of the Individual vs. the community, Islamic Practices such as Prayer, Giving to the Poor, Fasting, and going on Religious Pilgrimage, Life of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Companions of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), The life duration of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) inside Mecca and Madinah are Described. Pscmcqs.com provides most unique and updated ISLAMIC STUDY MCQs and ISLAMIC STUDY MCQs Quizzes to all students and job seekers to pass their test/exams.
A. Hisham bin Khalid B. Umer bin Hisham C. Umer bin Sohail D. Umer bin Urwah
Islamic Study MCQs Quizzes includes; Basic and advance Knowledge about History of Islam, Islamic Values, beliefs about Allah, the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), other Prophets, The Holy Quran, Revered Sayings and Actions of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the Hadith and Sunnah, the Day of Judgment, the existence of Angels, the Importance of Destiny, Life after Death, … Read more