A. Vaccines

B. Blood transfusions

C. Toilets

D. Anesthesia

Details of Technology that has saved the most lives:

1796, Edward Jenner invented the first version of a vaccine, which was made to treat smallpox. These days, vaccinations have greatly reduced or eliminated the mumps, rinderpest, smallpox, polio, and many more diseases. Vaccines have saved the lives of 350–500 million people worldwide, according to estimates, making them the biggest human rescuer in history.

A. Leonardo Da Vinci

B. Michelangelo

C. Picasso

D. Stan Lee

Details of the Artist with the highest-selling painting:

Despite being the most well-known artist of all time, Da Vinci only contributed directly to 20 paintings. Historians discovered that, of the 100 in 1900, the majority were either fakes or apprentices. As a result, Salvator Mundi, his artwork, sold for 450 million dollars in 2017, making it the most expensive painting ever. The strange thing is that Da Vinci’s life was perceived as a failure because his horse was wrecked, the Mona Lisa was hidden, and the Last Supper had problems.

A. Great white whale

B. Elephant

C. Lemurs

D. Colossal squid

Details of Animal with the Biggest Eyes:

In 1925, massive squid were found in the stomach of a deceased whale. Only eight have been discovered since then, six of which are inside whale stomachs. Their unique habitat of Antarctic seas and constant swimming depths of one to two thousand feet account for their difficulty in finding. Many are also hesitant to locate them since, at 46 feet, they might pose a threat to a submarine. With their 11-inch eyeballs, they also own the record for widest eyes.

A. United States

B. Russia

C. South Africa

D. Japan

Details About the Country with the Most Serial Killers:

There are many wonderful and terrible things about America, but the majority are our Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill. Seventy-six percent of the world’s convicted serial killers are American, having sent 3,615 people to prison after they were apprehended as serial murderers. With 82% being White, 85% of the population was male, 8% was female, and 7% classified as transgender or non-binary. Fortunately, they are decreasing.

A. United States

B. Dubai

C. Russia

D. Hong Kong

Details About The country that spent the most on a bridge:

The governments of Macau, China, and Hong Kong decided to work together in 2009 to construct a 34-mile bridge that would connect the three locations. The bridge would include a tunnel and be partially submerged in water. It cost $20 billion to build and took 11 years. While the government paid for 22% of it upfront, the Bank of China provided the remaining amount as a loan, which is intended to be repaid through tolls, advertising fees, and corporate rent.

A. United States

B. Canada

C. Russia

D. Brazil

Details About The country with the most trees:

Russia is one of the largest countries, with 4.2 billion acres of total land, while the US only has 2.4 billion. Additionally, they have considerably fewer people per acre; considering that America has 332 million people, each person has 7.2 acres of land. Russia, home to 147 million people, has 28.5 acres of land per person in contrast. There are 642 billion trees in Russia.

A. 10 million USD

B. 50 million USD

C. 200 million USD

D. 1.3 billion USD

Details About Most money spent on an investigation:

MIT math genius Ted Kaczynski went nuts as a young man and started living off the grid in his early 20s. He detonated sixteen bombs by mail, resulting in three fatalities and numerous injuries. This resulted in the longest-ever FBI investigation for a found criminal, spanning 17 years and costing $50 million.

A. United States

B. Spain

C. China

D. Czech Republic

Details About The country with the highest baldness rate:

Baldness is more common in white individuals! By the age of 45, 48% of white men will be bald. 35 percent of Black males. 32% of male Hispanics. Male Native Americans and Asians are in their low 20s. With 43% of all men being bald, the Czech Republic, which is 90%+ white, is now a bald haven, marginally ahead of all other countries.

A. United States

B. Germany

C. Denmark

D. Singapore

Details About Country with Highest Cancer Survival Rate:

Although Americans are often criticized for their healthcare system, they have been successful in preventing cancer. Prostate cancer is 97% 19% of the lung, 29% of the stomach, and 88% of the breast These are the five-year survivor rates, with the United States generally having the best overall. This is a hybrid of two concepts. Better technology is one. The second is that smoking rates are lower in the US (11% compared to 20% in Europe).

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